The minimum is 0.01 xmr which is 2.13$ or 2.04€.
If you are not ready to buy 2€ of xmr to tip your favorite content creators, I’m guessing the “buying the xmr” is not the issue here…
Besides no one is forcing anyone to do anything.
Always happy to get a tip!
XMR: 83RaKSdDrVh92PgZpkQN78iM9zAQre18VJ3A7NSG6VXYCPWWsNLPt7PdBdMp2PTpwjPs8yka22cAc3qthN6nuru7VmgEL2v
The minimum is 0.01 xmr which is 2.13$ or 2.04€.
If you are not ready to buy 2€ of xmr to tip your favorite content creators, I’m guessing the “buying the xmr” is not the issue here…
Besides no one is forcing anyone to do anything.
Transactions may become less private. This could deter users who value the anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies like Monero.
Ah yes I’m sure that the USA’s new definition of “Money” will make the Monero chain less secure and private.
Maybe Monero-Chan will feel threatened and start leaking our transactions to the FBI or something.
No but for real, this cannot “deter users who value the anonymity of Monero”. No, it should do literally the opposite. If crypto becomes less private, it should make users more prone to XMR because it spits on the face of all these regulators
Literally just make a new wallet, as everyone else in this thread (including me) did. Of course no one is going to post here their regular use wallet (if they even had one to begin with)
Why Ethereum? Isn’t possible to do it on RandomX?
Eh… no? Because the Monero blockchain has no support for custom tokens…?
Also, why limited supply? XMR ≠ BTC.
Because this is not XMR? It is literally just a memecoin.
Why the F will you sell JPEGs with the Monero mascot that I can download off of Google images for free?
Because people are stupid and they like the NFTs. Besides it’s not about “having the JPEG”, more of “owning it” I would guess.
Is there a guarantee this won’t be a Pump-and-Dump? Also, why is this pinned?
Probably not. Again it’s just a memecoin, play the game if you want, or don’t. Up to you.
I’m not related to this project but I don’t think it is such a bad idea. Just don’t play the game if you don’t like it. It is not even in the Monero blockchain so what harm can it realistically do to us?
Edit: Formatting
I would even argue that having multiple Haveno networks working together is unsafe. Because I would be able to create a Haveno network where the arbitrators and offer makers are colluding together and post those offers in the global Haveno network.
Then you from Reto would see my offers in my poisoned network and would be able to take them, and I could cam you. If that makes sense.
However with the current system, if you trust the Reto guys, then you just use Reto. If people stop trusting them, they will just spin up a new network.
The only downside I see to the current system is that if Reto goes under, then we are back to square one: Getting everyone onboard a new network once again from scratch.
Perhaps a future update of Haveno could add such “federated style” networks where you can see offers from different networks if it is done in a safe manner. Being able to ban or accept different networks to avoid poisoned ones.
Then if Reto goes under, not all is lost.
This sounds interesting. I’m up for the free tokens, and might grab some extra ones later for the meemz :)
You cannot set an offer without a security deposit. Minimum is 15% of the trade amount. You can specify an even larger percentage when creating the offer.
When taking the offer you must agree to whatever security deposit percentage the creator of the offer has set.
But the idea is that scamming in Haveno is unprofitable (or risky I guess) because you risk losing your security deposit, yes
Its not about reversibility.
Let’s say you and me trade BTC/XMR.
When we start the trade, both security deposits + the trade amount in XMR get locked.
If I’m offering the BTC, then if I never send the BTC you just never release the coins. In this case you call the arbitrators, you prove you never received the coins, they will unlock the funds and since I am trying to scam you, you will get a refund of your XMR, your security deposit, but also my security deposit, so I lose the deposit.
If you are offering the BTC, let’s say you send them to me but I claim I never received them. Then, again you call the arbitrators, you prove that you sent them to me, they will unlock the funds, and you will receive either your security deposit, or that PLUS my security deposit, or maybe even the whole trade amount (which were my coins, but I tried to scam you, so I lose them)
So the security deposits are in place to try to make it unprofitable to scam people in this situations.
Actually, since a bank transfer is reversible, security deposits do not really give safety in this case. We can do a trade normally, I send you 300$ and you send me 2 xmr, and I can contact the bank 2 weeks later saying someone hacked me and get my money back while I still hold the xmr. So this is always a risk. That’s why cash is always better, but personally I have used haveno a few times and never got problems.
They add support for USDT I assume, as there is no support yet. Weird wording I agree
Yes you can just say that.
If someone knows for a fact that you have Monero and they know the exact amount, and want to know where it came from:
If someone suspects that you have Monero but does NOT know how much:
If no one suspects that you have Monero, and for now you are “in the clear”:
Of course it is better if you avoid anyone knowing you have Monero altogether.
Remember that you always have the option of moving them to a new wallet, say you got hacked and have no access to it.
Of course all this depends on your country and how authorities are there. If you live in a very authoritarian area where authorities do not care about evidence and they only care that “you look guilty”, nothing will save you. If you live in a country where you must go to court and be proven guilty, I think with Monero its pretty easy to do any of those steps and cover your ass.
But as always, try to not be discovered using Monero in the first place
Yeah you could say that, but as said in another comment, just transfer them to another wallet and claim you lost them in a hack or accident 😄
Yes that is exactly it.
That is why you should always make sure to lose all your XMR on a boating accident right after acquiring them 😉
No, Haveno is completely Non-Kyc.
The only problem with Haveno is that you need to pre-own a small amount of XMR as a safety deposit to avoid scams. So it is not the best if you need to get started from scratch. (You get your deposit back after the trade)
Haveno essentially generates a wallet for you that you use on trades, so when I say “add funds” I mean to that new wallet (which is locally generated and thus non-custodial, keys are always under your control)
Once you add some funds to Haveno, just click any of the offers listed there. You’ll probably need to add a payment account to your haveno account but the app will guide you through all the steps. There are some tutorials floating around there.
Sounds daunting but it really is super super easy
Haveno all the way!
Super easy, just open the app, add some funds, click on “take offer” on whatever trade there is and follow the steps.
I understand your point, however that is not really the topic at hand, I was just trying to give some context and to open the discussion as to why XMR does not seem to be gaining traction in Russia or why there are no Ruble trades in Haveno.
Now I do not want to enter a political discussion here
It is irrelevant for the conversation if it is a good or a bad strategy, or if it is moral or immoral to apply these sanctions. If I were a Russian individual, I would be using Monero to escape these sanctions, which leads me to wonder whether or not this is happening or why we do not see Russian trades in Haveno.
I would like to add that if you actually have XMR in a wallet that you got from mining, and you never moved those funds before, you CAN confirm that those funds came from mining. In fact, the GUI wallet will show a symbol indicating that it came from mining (what’s called a “coinbase” transaction).
However you could just say that you moved the funds from the mining wallet to this other wallet, but then I will ask again: Show me the mining wallet that got those mining transactions.
Well as always, depending on your use case and your threat model, using those swap services might not be the best idea, specially if you want to be “stealthy” when purchasing or selling xmr.
If you buy or sell XMR in simpleswap and use a KYC’d coin (like BTC that you withdrew or deposited from/to a CEX like kraken or binance), then authorities can ask the simpleswap owners and they will show them that you traded Monero.
Again if this is not a concern to you, then perhaps those swapping services are “good enough”, even though I have read countless stories of them performing shotgun scams and shotgun KYC where they will randomly select you and make it very difficult for you to recover your funds, especially if those funds do not come from “trusted” sources aka another CEX.
But again as always, that is up to you and your use case / threat model, and the risks you are willing to take.
I would say depending on who is asking you…
If you have there some xmr valued many hundreds of euros, it is pretty unlikely you actually mined it unless you have some very powerful setup.
If I am the government, then I will ask you: Show me this mining setup. Prove to me that you at least owned or had access to this setup.
I think when we talk about plausible deniability it’s not in the context or “Where did this money come from”, but more along the lines of “I cannot prove it was actually you who bought this item”.
Imagine you buy an item that is restricted or sanctioned in your area, plausible deniability makes it so it is very difficult for me to prove in a court it was you who bought it, and very easy for you to evade these accusations.
If someone forces you to open your wallet, you can just have a second hidden wallet where you keep your stash, and then just open another wallet with, let’s say, 5 or 10 euros worth or XMR that you can actually mine in a reasonable amount of time with some old machines.
Used it on two occasions already. One trade took 2h (I guess the trading peer was busy) and the other one was less than one minute after blockchain confirmation finished (10 blocks as usual).
What else “working normally” do people need? There are already very good offers from time to time. If you check once or twice a day you can get pretty decent offers (0% markup or very close). Also I heard people say that liquidity is now upwards of 1400 xmr in the platform.
Just try it out, its way simpler than people make it sound
Quickly googled about rsyncing big files. It is aparently slow, as it must checksum the whole file.
My guess would be that: If both blockchains are NOT pruned, then it should be fine but super slow If they are pruned, then since the pruning involves randomness, I guess it would be useless to rsync them. Because the history will be different.
My bet is that a normal copy would be better.