So first, I need to explain some shit first to get the context necessary to understand this bit that I assure you isn’t a rant but a set of keys for the message we stand for here: Monero

This was initially a reply some puppet spewing off dumbass shit worshiping the USD. Specifically, “Stop posting about how hard things are and go make money.” So I decided to write some helpful perspective that anyone but his dumbass would swallow. It turned out to be a rather effective product, I think, but then I shortly discovered that I had already been shadowbanned. I’m sure you know exactly where I am talking about. If you’re clever I bet you could find it…sure that guy is ignorant but that’s really not my highlight. I’m trying to show what I wrote and just explaining the context here. I’m posting here cuz I think you folks might take it well. Or whatever. By all means, if you got critique, feel free to offer. I’m putting this up here because I think it might be better here since it’s an attempt for us, instead of being slung at some dumb ass.

My reply:

Make it… Like just print that shit off at home or what? What actual value does society and people consider worth anything of and for?

Do we print that at the rate that everything we spit off the Cannon Today is worth jack shit tomorrow? So that everything we pay for goes into the hands of someone stupid enough to accept it and have nothing worth yesterday’s dinner product?

Maybe if we print them in the pattern of a Talisman so that they can be folded into the chop shop of a tower or two today and then for the big bucks they burn and go down. All that done for the Washington arch perspective which was seen on the folded cash prior to the fraudulent event.

Also, lets make piss out of Lincoln for giving right and all that for slaves and stopping them from being so. We’ll do it just like the dollar. Make so fucking much, everyone should be insulted for even acknowledging their existence because their own piss is worth more time and attention. Like I said, Make Piss. But like a shower, damn near everyone will save and collect them to that five bucks it adds up to after enough years to be too old to carry the bucket anymore, which is also no longer worth consideration either anymore.

Slashes bitch. Slash S bitch. Do YOU fucking get it yet?

Ditch the Dollar so the “rich” are broke. Bitcoin is a Snitchcoin. Monero. Educate yourself. Don’t take my word for shit. I’m just carrying the fucking truth. Can you read the difference between ranting, whining, and cocking the real weapon?

  • Anesthetic Bliss
    5 days ago

    I’m gonna be honest I didn’t understand jackshit from your reply. So I won’t comment on it, maybe my US-english-rant-comprehension skills are not the best. I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying that I did not comprehend it due to language barriers.

    However, ditching the Dollar will not make “rich” people broke. It will make the average person that doesn’t ditch the dollar in time, broke.

    If people ditch the dollar (or any fiat for that measure), you will have 3 types of people:

    1. The early adopters of this new money (hopefully Monero), which will end up with a lot of purchasing power
    2. The people that don’t believe in it, that kept most of their money in their bank account which is now worthless - This is the average person. It’s your mom who spent 40 years working to save 100k to retire, which just became worthless now so she can’t retire.
    3. The rich dude who is worth millions or billions, but has probably less money in his bank account than your mom, since most of his wealth comes from real estate, company stocks and other types of investments, and bussinesses that he owns, that generate either dollars, or whatever people decide to pay in at the moment. If people migrate to Monero, it will be Monero. So this guy will not be thaaat affected by the change.

    I agree with you that we should “ditch the dollar” or the Euro in my case, but it will not be beneficial for most people in the short term as you might think. At least that’s my opinion.

    It will be beneficial for them if they manage to swap their assets into Monero in time, but not otherwise.

    • ChakravantiOP
      2 days ago
      1. It won’t. Good for them though cuz Monero is strong in value like gold but strong in the “physical/calculable” sense that is Diamond. In the latter sense, It can be intentionally and by design shattered and with little bits of energy (not properly engineered or perhaps even conceived, not that I give a flying fuck) likely so lazered back together as willed. That and Monero’s value is like both diamonds and gold. A diamond is sharp, cosmetic by design, and of a pure light wavelength handling when synthetically engineered and factored. A gold has it’s own important electromangetic qualities, is of a rare atom structure making rare unique chemical balance stabilizing itself against many such unintentional notions.

      Bitcoin is none of these qualities. Bitcoin is a Snitchcoin. Bitcoin is fantastic tool to force business and all things corporate be forced to use to conduct any such kinds of things visible to and for any and every government willing them to pay for taxes. At such, when used as such, the Snitchcoin would be the fantastic coin everyone tries to think and act like it is. There’s nothing more to bitcoin than this and despite that crude nature of being nothing more than the example it claimed to be in it’s own very first “anonymously” posted description of itself. Nevertheless, Bitcoin will be what it is now, then. This, because the number of stupid manipulative suckers around the world are waayy to busy killing each other ASAP.

      1. I don’t believe it. I don’t believe in anything though. I grew up with enough sincerity in my learning of the religion imposed upon me that when I woke up I refused to believe in anything ever again. The act itself is not just foolish, but the tool of every manipulative deceit invented by those who can’t see what is real anyway. They lure those like themselves and feed them what they deserve, unable to see the obvious themselves too boot.

      As to my personal on such, I care not for such outcomes. I cared enough to preach the obvious truths and they were all so suckered into nonsense that I will feel nothing for their natural suffering. They may come to me and they may learn but I will do as Kharma does and give them what they may develop properly with. I care not for people suffering for their rejection of my first mission’s ignorance.

      1. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I have no idea about those things. No one understands the thing you speak of and they won’t stop running their mouths about it like they do. I understand a little bit about them but that bit I understand is about how they cannot be understood truly I truly do NOT understand them because I know better than to even try. It is not Kharma but Kharma plays with it like toys in a toy shopping center that is bankrupt with all workers on such strike the no doors were locked and the masses are raiding it to consequences that even the pigs don’t care to interrupt. By “play” I mean to just tediously alter tiny little elements of the existence of every single one that ties back to their construction, perhaps even mistakes therein, and for every destined role to be played the matter in hand will be a critical element of the story unveiling and carrying the constitution of the lessons being learned by the charecters of potential presence in the reassembly of all relative elements in hand to the point the narrative is ascending…or descending, for now…etc. etc. I can’t explain it to you but I can, like this, allure to the direction of the real dimension you may or may not care to know of, perceive, recognize, understand, etc. etc.

      Opinions are a little more subjective than I care to give any attention to. I don’t care for whole nonsense. It’s not that I don’t have any it’s that I just don’t care for %99 of what people call important in what they call reality to be. I may be able to elaborate forever on my my mission and describe what i have learned on to be the true nature of reality and the real “physics” of it but I just don’t care do do that because its practically impossible. I will die sometime and the conduct of those two are literally infinite so I just don’t care to bother. If you care to learn however that is something else. Just because I can’t be scientific in a vomit of words doesn’t mean I can’t show others how to learn. Is what it is. Oh look, it’s 10:13 for me right now. LMFAO