Something to think about. It is pointless to interact with any of those posts directly here, so as a result they get no engagement. They’re just links to Reddit, and I feel like they’re just funnelling engagement back there. I can’t help but notice, possibly incorrectly, that activity here sharply dropped as soon as that bot went active.

If we want the content here, wouldn’t it make more sense to pull non self post content directly and post it as a first class Lemmy post here without linking to the reddit post?

If our goal is to make this the new Monero home, wouldn’t a better approach be adding this site to the sidebar on the subreddit, or having automod inform every poster about it’s existence? Is moving here even our goal anymore?

  • @crab
    411 months ago

    Figured I’d share my opinion that the mirror should be removed. I don’t want to see reddit content, if I did I would just go to reddit myself. The mirror just clogs my feed and I’m not able to interact with the people posting anyways.

    • Newt
      11 months ago

      Agreed with that. One single post per day with top reddit posts linked inside would suffice.

  • @xmr_unlimited
    411 months ago

    Yeah it doesnt really work… Maybe have one post here of all the previous days reddit subreddit posts

    • @mister_monsterOP
      311 months ago

      That’s actually a pretty great idea!

      • @VolunTerry
        111 months ago

        Yeah, I like this idea too. I don’t mind the @RSS reddit scraped posts, but for those that don’t I assume someone could build a bot or script to collect them into one daily or weekly post this way. If it is a separate bot or profile from the current @RSS one each user could block one or both as desired.

  • @monerobull
    311 months ago

    You’re definitely raising a valid point.

    I think if we just reposted the reddit posts it would get even more confusing than it already is. I don’t really have an answer for this problem since some people asked for the mirror specifically so they don’t have to check reddit anymore. The best solution I currently have is people hiding bot accounts via their profile settings if they don’t want to see the “reddit ghost posts” in the local feed.

    Regarding the last part: I didn’t want to “abuse” my reddit mod powers to “shill my own project”. Many people also want to keep the subreddit alive since it’s a little more noob friendly.

    I personally have mostly moved here and only ever go to reddit for r/LocalLLaMa anymore. We now have representation on the fediverse, which is a huge win imo. ! already has +600, that is towns usercount times 4! The goal behind town was never to become the only Monero forum and having the option between reddit and town is important in terms of decentralization. On one hand reddit could ban any mention of Monero whenever they like but on the other they just have way more reliable uptime when compared to town.

    • @mister_monsterOP
      211 months ago

      I just remember there were announcements in the newsletters like Revuo and stuff saying this was replacing the subreddit, then the subreddit was locked to new posts. I was sure it was happening and I was very excited.

      I don’t think there should be a single place for Monero discussion, I just think the community needs to end it’s reliance on Reddit. I’d love for everyone in the community who wants to to launch spaces, people do and I engage in a few of them. My problem is specifically that reddit is unpredictable and dangerous.

      I don’t know a good answer either, what I said above is the best I came up with.

      • @monerobull
        111 months ago

        The subreddit was shut down after people voted to participate in the reddit protest and afterwards people voted to keep every like it was before. You are free to start another poll on if automod should point people here or whatever else but there’s quite the conflict of interest (or at least looks like it) if I do it 😅

    211 months ago

    Personally, I think the problem is that comments aren’t moved over as well. The fact that posts are mirrored allows me to look only on this forum for topics of interest rather than look on Reddit (which has more people) then I wouldn’t need to look at Reddit at all if the comments are carried over. It wouldn’t have to have instant response, but if comments are mirrored 3-4 times a day on all posts newer than 3 days, that would capture most comments and give people a reason to never look back to Reddit. And the volume of updates is low enough that it should not affect performance. The key reason xmrtrader’s mirror failed is that it is a daily discussion so showing the posts have little value…the posted comments are what really counts.

    • @mister_monsterOP
      311 months ago

      Well, either way you can’t engage in discussion, and that’s the main problem with it. Mirroring comments won’t change the fact that when someone says “desktop GUI showing 0 balance” you cannot reply to that person here, engagement will not happen with these posts on Lemmy.

      If you’re like me, and youre dead set on ditching Reddit, comments or no, it’s just noise that I can’t interact with. And that’s fine, I can block and move on, my concern that prompted me to post this post was that the reddit bot might be hurting the town, they seem like a constant reminder that we need to be over at reddit if we intend to actually discuss things.

        111 months ago

        Why couldn’t you engage in the discussion if the comments were mirrored? Yes, it won’t be on reddit but that doesn’t matter if you wanted to ditch reddit and get lemmy comments. Plus, if the above idea about adding automatically posting on reddit (this discussion is continued on it would bring more traffic here (unfortunately those posts will likely be deleted). Let me put it to you this way. Option (1) No mirroring posts leaves people forced to watch both reddit and to get the full picture. The two communities will never merge. Option (2) Mirroring posts and adding the reddit link allows people to look only at (not reddit) and only clicking on the link if they expect the comments to look interesting. This encourages a “lemmy first” attitude. Option (3) Mirroring posts and comments allows xmrtrader to be mirrored and allows people to stay on lemmy (the link to reddit can be removed). This allows people to ditch reddit and not lose anything.

        • @mister_monsterOP
          111 months ago

          So now mirroring comments to reddit is a different story and is most certainly not going to happen. Reddit API changes, all Lemmy comments would be posted from the same account, that’s just a lot.

          Mirroring comments from reddit means the bot has to check every such and such time, without a reddit API mind you, scraping the HTML, post them, then delete spam ones, then it can’t sync upvotes…

          A lot more than you’d expect is involved with something like that, easily an order of magnitude more complexity than just posting posts.

  • @shortwavesurfer
    211 months ago

    Well, personally i havent been on reddit for more than 5 minutes since the middle of june. I went back to see what redreader was up to but havent loaded reddit at all in weeks now. I get everything through lemmy now and it has totally replaced reddit for me

  • @VolunTerry
    111 months ago

    I like having the ability to still see what’s going on over there without visiting myself or giving Reddit any traffic. I see it as similar to browsing headlines in a news aggregator to keep up with what’s “trending” even if I’m not digging into or engaging with the content. So long as it remains easy to filter it out of your feed here, as Blake suggested below by blocking the @RSS profile, I think more options are better than less so each user can decide.

    Plus, if you found a particularly compelling topic it might be worthwhile to go engage with users there, either in thread or in direct messages, even if it were just to let them know we are over here. I’m hoping this community continues to grow and all the good posters and topics eventually migrate here.

    • @monerobull
      311 months ago

      I think replying to questions on the .town mirror-post and then linking to the comment on reddit is fun: “This question has been answered on…” 🤭

  • Blake
    111 months ago

    Yeah interesting. I pretty much straight away blocked the @RSS profile and am not too bothered with the r*ddit content. Shame for the regular joe logging in they see a flood of un-engaged crossposting.

    • 🤘🐺🤘
      211 months ago

      This was my solution as well. It was an easy enough fix and lemmy useres are going to be more prepared for a little DIY.

  • @tusker
    111 months ago

    I think this place was fine without any reddit posts. However it is OK to have them just in case something interesting pops up that is not on here, it’s rare.