It does. The proof of status comes from your value to the community and that can change with time.
Look at Michael Saylor, for instance. He’s undeniably an official Bitcoin representative, yet he’s undeniably been incredibly harmful to the Bitcoin ethos, moving it from digital cash, to digital energy, to digital gold (HODL only), to now digital property (i.e. government controlled trad-fi) that should be managed custodially and is subject to a “digital property tax” (i.e. wealth tax). Through Saylor and his ilk, other Bitcoin destroyers have been promoted as Bitcoin representatives and actual OGs have been sidelined.
Meanwhile, Luke Parker (now retiring for a bit), Doug Thurman, Arctic Mine, etc are undeniably Monero representatives because they proved their value, but when some of these representatives try to promote the Zano leads as being kindred spirits with Monero and potentially the way forward for Monero, a large portion of the Monero community balked because whatever past contributes they may or may not have had, they don’t represent Monero now and promotes some very un-Monero ideals. This healthy direct contribution=representation ideal keeps Monero on track and on mission.
The issue is more the onramping than the offramping. As long as gift cards are available, it’s fairly easy to use Monero gift cards for Amazon/eBay/Facebook marketplace. This doesn’t create a Monero circular economy, but it does ensure that once you have XMR, you can live off it even if no-one else in your area accepts it. XMRBazaar is better since it help the Monero circular economy and provides a good way to both onramp and offramp.
Three things could greatly help XMR: (1) If banks could custody crypto (promised by Trump, hopefully other countries will follow), even non-XMR crypto and you’re allowed to transfer to a self-custodial wallet, then it would be trivial for merchants to accept crypto and businesses to pay in crypto and for individuals to purchase crypto simply by moving money into your crypto account. CEXes would be irrelevant for everyone except degens. Once that happens, it’ll be easy for people to be paid in crypto which is easy to convert to and from XMR without KYC. (2) If BasicSwapDex is made easy to install and the appropriate automation scripts are created, converting to and from XMR via P2P should be trivial. (3) If Serai is finalized and proven itself and the appropriate automation scripts are created, converting to and from XMR will be trivial. (4) If all three of the above happen, having a store front that accepts XMR is trivial, even if the store only wants USDT. Also having all your savings in XMR is also trivial and can be automated.