In recent days, we had been hovering right around 35 to 40,000 transactions per day, and just in a very short amount of time, it’s went from that level up to 53,000. I am not aware of any major purchasing holidays, such as Christmas or back to school, that might cause a bump in transactions like this, so I’m wondering if it might be the beginning of a low-grade spam attack.

  • @monerobull
    51 month ago

    Could be but I don’t think so. We have seen increased transactions around summertime before, imo it’s people buying stuff to use during summer vacation.

    There’s also the fact that more and more xmr transactions move away from binance-like-CEX to instant swappers. Oh and of course, the binance delisting was officially concluded 2 days ago and it was the last chance for people to withdraw their coins.

    • @rafael_xmr
      21 month ago

      And released gift cards :D people must be gift card shopping, I hear there’s many options available

    • @shortwavesurferOP
      11 month ago

      Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I was not aware of the summer bump though.