• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • No idea I also wondered this, I haven’t purchased digital accounts and just grabbed an example from the site but google specifically is very annoying when you create alts so I’m pretty sure if you buy one and log-in using another device and IP they’ll start firing you with captchas, maybe ask your phone number, then maybe a throaway one could work? But it could not last long until they keep asking you to verify, unless it’s a very old account I think older accounts may be easier to use and not be flagged as spam

    I’d ask in the comment section of the listing

  • https://xmrbazaar.com/ has a few accounts, you can use the search bar for what you are looking, for example: https://xmrbazaar.com/listing/AuvH/

    But like in the example I linked, always make sure to look in the sidebar where it says Payment so that it has an option called Multisig escrow, and if buying always pick that, because that means the funds can only be released if the seller actually delivers, while a direct payment you are sending coins straight to their wallet and they can delete the listing as if it never existed and start over, even if it has reviews since they are easy to fake and a fake review doesn’t have to pay anything they can simply be made for free. Just a heads up

  • rafael_xmrtoHavenoRetoSwap and the Kewbit drama
    4 months ago

    but bisq did create mechanisms to improve its own network’s decentralization like the BSQ token, so that it is operated by a DAO, while Haveno is decentralized and p2p on the trader’s network but not on the contributor’s network (top vs bottom from the bisq doc’s illustration)


    I don’t have any reason to question the reto team for now but I also think there should be multiple contributor networks and easy to switch from a single app

  • rafael_xmrtoMoneroXMR vs BTC Silent Payments
    9 months ago

    It seems to be more like hiding coins in different addresses while obscuring it on chain & using some clever math to make the UX better.

    You are accurate: you “hide” coins in different addresses which are only know to the receiver and the sender, I cannot paste a SP address in a block explorer and find what addresses belong to it, and what is the total balance of this BTC user. I can however send a payment to it and then have a “watch” on this entity, there is no obscuring happening on-chain so usual heuristics like when a coin is spent, to where, how much is change, etc still apply.

    Which also means if they spend many SP payments together, they reveal to me & others all the addresses belonging to them and what the total balance was, you can think of it like if bitcoin users sent their BTC addresses to each other via DMs, but it removes the interactivity step from handling new addresses, while adding the scanning requirement so the receiver can also know which addresses were generated to them without having to ask senders each time

    It is a good feature to have in general in my opinion, but definitely does not come any close to competing with Monero still

  • rafael_xmrtoMoneroHow To Encrypt Your Mnemonic Seed Without A Computer/Internet
    10 months ago

    Great blog! does this have any benefit over a polyseed mnemonic where you also have a secret password? With polyseed as well as BIP39, even if your mnemonic is caught you can use that plain seed as a decoy that opens a fake wallet, while your real seed with your real funds can only be decrypted with the password, and this encrypted mnemonic by hand won’t result in a valid seed so the malicious actor can assume that a valid seed still exists and it still needs to be seized or brute forced?

    I think this method is better when using steganography combined since the mnemonic looks like a blob of nothing when reading the contents of the file, while if an actual seed was used it could reveal there is a Monero seed hidden in that file, but then I think a better encryption method can be used since using digital files loses the benefit of not using a computer?


  • rafael_xmrtoMoneroThere are currently multiple Haveno networks
    10 months ago

    ok no servers make sense, but choosing arbitrators is like choosing a server equivalent to a multisig wallet, there is “someone’s computer” that will have the third key to resolve arbitration issues, and also can it read chat messages? if so networks should be picked with care, but of course trades can complete without it, but I was confused and called it “federation” for the fact they should be merged in the UI