• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I remember shitting on a friend 3ndlessly for his dependency on his Garmin style GPS. The go to was that he couldn’t find his own dick with out his GPS. One day it’s just the two of us coming back from the city. He’s yelling at me to use the GPS as I was the passenger but being the asshole I am refused to turn it on and told him if he cant find the two turns to get on the expressway than we weren’t meant to go home. We’ll fuck me if he didn’t fuck up missing every on ramp which then led to him trying to just stay under the overpasses hoping to run into another on ramp. Finally I decided to fold and give him directions when he actually turns onto the walking path that takes pedestrians along the water front 🤣🤣🤣 fucking worth every minute we wasted. Motherfucker could lift a ton, but was too dumb to spell it.🤣

  • I went to a temp agency one time and went through the enrollment/placement tests. I told them up front I was just looking for competitive offers to bring to my 5 year review to ask current employer to match. They were cool with it after i told them I would be back if employer doesnt match.

    So I’m taking the test and was blown away at the test questions. I’m reading them outloud to the agents at their desks asking them which ones people actually respond honestly to. They start telling me hilarious stories of people theyve had fail the test.

    They eventually told me they have had at least one person at some time answer every question with the very honest but very damning wrong answer. They said none of the people they told me about were even the assholes intentionally failing the test just to show proof they applied. They were people being waaaay too fuckin honest about their liberal drug use.

    Some of the more memorable questions:

    In the last 8hrs how many times have you smoked meth?

    A. 0 times

    B. 1-4 times

    C. 5-10 times

    D. 10 or more

    Have you ever smoked crack cocaine while on the clock?

    A. Yes

    B. No

    C. I don’t know

    D. Maybe

    Would you ever smoke crack while on the clock?

    A. Yes

    B. No

    C. I don’t know

    D. Maybe

    How many alcohol beverages do you have on your lunch break?

    A. 0 drinks

    B. 1-4 drinks

    C. 5-10 drinks

    D. 10 or more drinks

    How many alcohol beverages did you have today before this interview?

    A. 0 drinks

    B. 1-4 drinks

    C. 5-10 drinks

    D. 10 or more drinks

    Describe your performance at work while high on alcohol or narcotics compared to your performance at work while not high on alcohol or narcotics.

    A. Have never worked high on alcohol or narcotics.

    B. I perform worse while working high on alcohol or narcotics than working not high on alcohol or narcotics.

    C. I perform the same while working high on alcohol or narcotics than working not high on alcohol or narcotics.

    D. I perform better while working high on alcohol or narcotics than working not high on alcohol or narcotics.

    Edit for formatting and grammar.

  • Worked at sheetmetal manufacturing plant. Had aisles of welding booths. Old dude welder would smoke in the building in his booth letting the smoke get sucked through the table vents. Well sure as ahit one day a little more than just smoke gets sucked up and next thing you know thr whole ventilation system goes up in flames. Never saw the dude again.

    Same plant but one of the robot welders, the worker would mount an unrelated electrical box on the robot welder rig. Then hit the foot petal and it would clamp 3 of the 4 sides down with a fuckton of pressure. Months after opening back up after ventilation fire this new chick was running the robot welders and steps on the fucking clamp petal while still holding everything in place. She clamped her whole hand smashing all the bones in her hand I think. Never saw her again either. It was a freak accident not even anything you can point a finger at. I guess she lost balance a little to make her step and didn’t have her hands in way so the e-stop light bar that senses if you are in the way wasn’t tripped but she slamed her hand onto the box as it was closing trying to catch herself.

    They had tons of people I never saw before come in and assess the robots and turret presses and they installed the petals that have covering flaps you need to lift to get your foot in the petal. All in all the place was super safe and the dude that smoked was super fucking belligerent and was going to be fired the next infraction before burning the ventilation system down.

  • Here are my best guesses from living life:

    From house to local stores: City-Couple blocks Suburbs-3 to 10 mins Rural-10 to 45 mins

    Metropolitan centers are surrounded by Suburbs which is surrounded by rural. That’s sort of stat quo. The distance between Metropolitan centers (not including the retarded NYC and LA type areas) is usually a minimum 1hr from closest centers but in most states they’re like 3 hrs apart.

    Time it takes to go up or down the east coast is 12 to 17 hrs for most that’s not the time to get from northern most tip of main to southern most tip of Florida cuz who the fuck actually does that.

    Traveling an hour to do something special is common but traveling an hr for something common or necessity is designated for the extreme mountain ranges like Adirondack, Appalachian, Rocky? (Idk never been just assuming) type of areas.

    Anything taking longer than an hr is getting into road trip status and anything over 3 hr is find somewhere to stay and come home tomorrow status. There are exceptions bit depending on how long event is you are adding 6hr round trip time to it.


    Rush hour is dependent on area. For example in Buffalo a 45 min trip no traffic is taking you around 50min-1hr in rush hour. Whereas in Frederick, MD (D.C. suburb) a 15 min drive no traffic was taking at leasy 1hr in rush hour. All the same it’s every single weekday from 6am to 9am and 3pm to 6pm in every Metropolitan area.

    State to neighboring state trips are usually 3 to 6 hr. Usual work commute for everyone not commuting to a city (do honestly most of the US) 5 to 30 mins.

  • I’m thinking op isn’t the brightest tool on the short bus. Walmart has a far better market place/e-commerce platform than shitass Amazon. Same delivery windows of 1-3 says. Can order groceries that aren’t fuckin wierd marketplace seller with a garage packed with dented pallets of Nutella, wild rice and 5hr energy drinks lol. The groceries actually come from the store or the next nearest one. They basically already had the warehouse infrastructure. The dumped billions with a fuckin B last year just on developing and expanding on drone deliveries. Plus when your order gets fucked up from Walmart… YOU TALK TO A FUCKIN PERSON WHO ISNT HALF WAY ACCROSS THE PLANET WITH 3 PRELOADED REPLIES TO FIX EVERY PROBLEM. Fuuuuuuuuuck Amazon customer service. But also unless op was looking for the holy grail of printers I will bet my annual salary that Walmart’s online store had the exact printer they were looking for or one that is an exact copy but another brand. So dramatic to write this whole post up for such a dumb reason lol.

    Edit: Also no person or brand selling on Amazon is exclusively selling on Amazon. If the printer wasn’t available anywhere it’s prolly a discontinued model or a fuck up by the mfg. Such a dumb post.

  • I know everyone that follows this link is guna be like:

    “wtf, who posts an entire hour long comedy special in a thread about being uninformed about faming? You couldn’t time stamp the relevant joke?!?!”

    To which I will reply:

    “I did time stamp the relevant part of the special. Jokes on you cuz it’s a whole fucking hour long joke about not knowing anything about farming!”

    Its so funny by itself but its better when you know it was all done in front of an audience chalk full of local farmers. I found it getting ready for a road trip with my 3 y/o niece in the car and was shocked at how laugh out loud funny it was while also being completely G rated. Dude doesn’t even say the Simpson’s swear words: shit, damn or crap.

    Greg Warren | Where The Field Corn Grows

  • Was he saying that talking mad shit was specifically compelling to black people?

    Talking shit is the universal language of any black American communities. Source: lived and worked downtown with all black restaurant staff. Also signed up late for college one year and was placed in the athletic housing building which put me in the rooms with the entire basketball team. 2 semesters of me, a 5’7" white dude with 10-15 6’5" black dudes. It was a fucking scene to behold. We could’ve been our own fuckin comedy sitcom the amount of shit talk that was had lol. The college experience is what gives me reason to say it’s universal because the players I lived with were from fuckin everywhere. NYC, St. L, Maryland, GA (NY school so didn’t have any players from out west). It’s a special feeling being a shorter white dude and stuffing a 6 foot black dude driving the net in 2K with the whole dorm room watching hahah I reached God status for like 30 seconds while all his teammates roasted him🤣

  • Lol why would anyone fuckin hire someone that bitches about the basics of finding, applying and following up on new job interviews.

    “I feel for those who have to do this without stable income or a family that offers them a place to stay…”

    It’s common sense to most non-pampered people who don’t expect people to wait on every one of their super bitchy complaints to just take a job beneath their qualification as a bridge the gap income while putting in the work to find their right employer to build their career with.

  • Like dodging charges for assaulting his girlfriend in college? Or how about when he beat his kid and told his wife, “Bitch, you should be too” after she said to him, “your son is terrified of you” the proceeded to threaten his wife to lie to the authorities so the charges would be dropped.

    He acted like the fucking scum bag he is to the cops and he fuckin got what he deserved. Mother fucker has been dodging charges that any non-athletic white person would never get away with. This piece of shit deserves to get hog tied and strung up like s pinata for his son to break open.