A project called "Encryption AI" promised a Telegram bot that would provide a "secure and efficient way to launch tokens". People poured in around $2 million before the developer suddenly withdrew all the funds, crashing the token price by 99%.The developer reportedly posted a message to Telegram, apologizing for taking the funds. "I must confess that I have fallen into a severe addiction to online gambling and casinos," the developer reportedly wrote. "Despite being only 22 years old, I have struggled to overcome this addiction, and unfortunately, I have lost nearly $300,000 over the past few months, including after the launch of [Encryption AI]."They added, "Although I cannot guarantee when or if I will be able to make amends and relaunch [Encryption AI], I promise that I will make every effort to become a better person." Oh, well, in that case.
Dude imagine sending your hard earned money to a project called Encryption AI. This project is building a telegram bot (?) That deploys token contracts. So basically, a rug pull factory. The guy got 52 million.
I’m laughing. How can you have sympathy for these people? Suckers exist to get took. I wouldn’t scam people, and I’m glad when scammers get what’s coming to them, but how stupid do you have to be? Where are these people that this guy got 52 million dollars from, how did they make it this far in life without losing that money already?
You really can’t have pity with these people, I only posted this because the name Encryption AI + telegram bot is so damn funny. I have honestly no idea how at this point there are even people still left to get scammed by obvious shit like this.