The shitshow in the Whitehouse yesterday really brought it to light - the U.S. can no longer be trusted with our secrets. Its time to leave 5 eyes. I would create a new intelligence sharing union with the other 3 members, on condition that they also leave. Inviting France and other EU states might also make sense.

    13 days ago

    Do any of the 5 eyes country other than the us still have intelligence gathering capabilities worth anything? Pretty sure we all gutted them and started chipping in to pay subcontractors who are all loyal to american dollars. Its also kinda silly to think that after years of trusting america that they wouldn’t have a back door and know everything we tried to keep from them anyways.

    None of the 5 eyes or nato nations has the independence and sovereignty to direct its own foreign policy differently from the USA. They can moan and complain a little but if that’s about it.