Retro tech lovers who have a knack for gaming handhelds will likely be rather pleased with Sugar Cubes' latest creation - the N97 Elite gaming handheld. As the name suggests, the handheld draws inspiration from the Nokia N97 of '09, and all of its sliding glory. The company has already started shipp...
Why does no one build one of these portables to play J2ME games?? There’s already five zillion handhelds that play traditional handheld games.
(Also that’s not how knack is used.)
I have to ask: what j2me games would you actually want to play?
Like, given you have enough compute to run the actual version of most of these games, (why play the GTA java mobile thing when you can just run all the actual GTA games?) what is there out there that’s a game that’s worth playing on its own merits?