ID: photo of Martin Luther King Jr. waving at the crowd during the March on Washington, on it is his quote: “He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

    1 month ago

    If the only thing that you’re doing politically is voting and are only doing it in presidential elections,

    thats a big if. Are you talking to yourself? comes down to just strawmnanning. Got any other what ifs you want to waste our time on? Maybe “what if aliens landed?”

    False dichotomy and premise there.

    I think you’re the one with the false premise. You say its illogical to try to pressure a neolib and that a neolib cant be forced to take another side, So she cant be forced to represent all of the democrats is what you are saying–admitting she shouldnt be the leader of all the democrats. Well done! I think a party leader should consider support of all the constituents of the party in order to win. Thats the effin job, not to just lead the neolibs, but to lead the whole party and win an election against another party. The neolibs arent the whoke party, do you understand that?

    You amply demonstrate the attitude that led to the dems loss. Neolibs insiode the democratic party exist within a party coalition. Its way past time they learned that. Their failure to understand that cost us all an election. This is why neolibs and centrists should never be allowed to lead. They are purely reactive and directionless.