ID: Kомисcap Rareș is gay for Skye @DerLinkePixel posted:
"Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That was a poem
From a simpler time
Boss makes a hundred
I don’t make jack
That’s why I riot
To seize the means back"
ID: Kомисcap Rareș is gay for Skye @DerLinkePixel posted:
"Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That was a poem
From a simpler time
Boss makes a hundred
I don’t make jack
That’s why I riot
To seize the means back"
Writing cute memes isn’t “rioting” and that’s why we will remain fucked, because nobody actually does it
So you think revolution spontaneously combusts in to existence, without any previous spreading of ideas and reaching out to the disenfranchised, or that it only happens on the front lines?
Yeah, I think I’ll pass on your confidently incorrect take lmfao