Things like washing machines, fridges, higher end (or mid range) vacuums, or other things you’d feel pretty bummed about dropping a bit of money on just for it to turn out being shit

I’m considering subscribing some time next year before I make some bigger purchases after tax time. I’m always morbidly worried about either buying something that does its job poorly, or just isn’t good value for the feature set.

From the couple of reviews/rankings I’ve seen, they seem to be a lot more scientific than random “what is the best x lists”. I feel like when you google reviews for any midrange products, most of the reviews are just “oh well yeah it’s okay but actually nah if you spend three times the price you could get 5% better performance so it’s actually bad and you shouldn’t buy it. Just buy the more expensive version instead!”

The minimum 3 month subscription term is the only thing that’s making me pause. If they offered single month subscriptions, I’d probably be more inclined to subscribe. But I’m interested in hearing opinions from anyone who either is a member, or has been in the past. Worth it?

    1 month ago

    Only if you’re drinking espresso. And only ever offering espresso to prospective guests. As a flat white drinker, I’d still need a kettle.

    This is a great week to pick them up for free/almost free as people got upgrades for Christmas and offload their old ones.