“Having rescued the economy from damage done by the Coalition and stabilising government debt, the ALP is polling well for a second term in office.”

  • An interesting take from Koukalas from back in July. Still valid?
  • Thecornershop@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I think this is really insightful analysis, great post. I often wonder why some of you key points around the headwinds that Labor faces (and progressive politics in general) don’t really get much of an airing.

    It’s so obvious that LNP’s messages get boosted and the Labor ones get blunted when you pay attention to it. Sam happens when LNP are in Govt, so it’s not just a "going the opposite a voice- type thing.

    Don’t even start on the amount of dark and dirty money, backroom influence and corporate interference.

    Feels bleak sometimes, but sanity will prevail at some point. 🤞