The red line is the trajectory of the first bullet that allegedly grazed Trump’s ear. Assuming that the bullet passed closed enough by Trump’s right side of his face, which part of his face would the bullet have grazed? His cheek? The bottom of his ear? The top of his ear? Other?

  • antidote
    3 months ago

    How is the red line the trajectory if the bullet was going right to left on the image ? On the image the red line is going up in that direction but we know the shooter was shooting from above (as someone below Trump was killed).

    I am not convinced by that red line.

    • LogicallyMindedOP
      3 months ago

      The bullet goes from left to right and has a descending trajectory so not inconsistent with the official story. That said, based on this trajectory I don’t see how the bullet could have grazed the upper part of Trump’s ear. Maybe that’s why the FBI director refused to state that Trump got it by a bullet in front of the Committee.

  • tisktisk
    3 months ago

    See specifically the part about abductive reasoning. This aspect of critical thinking should move you in the right direction and help you let it go sooner than later. Grasping at straws while ignoring mountains on top of mountains of concrete evidence might be fun to think about for a while, but there’s so much other beauty in nature to get fixated on, if only you’ll let go of obsessiveness and look outward.

    • LogicallyMindedOP
      3 months ago

      This is deductive reasoning unless you want to contest the law of physics. Are you suggesting we have another case of “magic bullet” in which the bullet suddenly changed its direction mid-air?

  • LogicallyMindedOP
    3 months ago

    We now have evidence that this photo had been tampered with. We already knew that this photo can’t be from the second shot as Trump has his right hand on his ear when we hear the supersonic shockwave of the second shot. Also, we don’t see any trace of blood on Trump’s hand whereas we do see traces of blood on Doug Mills’ third photo (which has likely been tampered with as well anyway). However, this photo doesn’t appear to be from the first shot either because when we hear the supersonic shockwave from the first shot Trump still has his right hand on the stand! In short, this photo can’t be from any of the shots and we must conclude that it had been tampered with (which I had hypothesized from the beginning).

    What does this all mean?

    If a forensic evidence supporting the official narrative of the failed assassination attempt had been faked, we can easily entertain the idea that more forensics evidences could have been faked hence the staged assassination attempt hypothesis is highly likely. See the screenshots taken during the first supersonic wave and second supersonic wave. You can verify for yourself with the live footage here:

    First supersonic shockwave (Trump’s hand on the stand):

    Second supersonic shockwave (Trump’s hand on his ear):

    Doug Mills bullet photo (hand in the air):