The first pinned post can be found here:

That’s where all the engagement and comments can be found, and I’d encourage everyone to participate there.

The reason for THIS post is to direct everyone there.

I’m getting multiple reports that some people can’t see it for some reason. Could be Federation, could be they blocked the user who posted it.

Here’s hoping you all can see THIS one and move over to where everyone else is engaged.

    4 months ago

    Chris Hedges tweet…

    My thoughts on the assassination attempt on former President Trump:

    The assassination of Trump would not remove the yearning of tens of millions of people, many conditioned by the Christian right, for a cult leader. Most of the leaders of the Christian right have built cult followings of their own. These Christian fascists embraced magical thinking, attacked their enemies as agents of Satan and denounced reality-based science and journalism long before Trump did. Cults are a product of social decay and despair, and our decay and despair are expanding, soon to explode in another financial crisis.

    The efforts by the Democratic Party and much of the press, including CNN and The New York Times, to discredit Trump, as if our problems are embodied in him, are futile. The smug, self-righteousness of this crusade against Trump only contributes to the national reality television show that has replaced journalism and politics. This crusade attempts to reduce a social, economic and political crisis to the personality of Trump. It is accompanied by a refusal to confront and name the corporate forces responsible for our failed democracy. This collusion with the forces of corporate oppression, which have impoverished the working class, fostered endless war, militarized our police, created the largest prison system in the world, licensed corporations to exploit the most vulnerable and transferred wealth upwards into the hands of a billionaire class, neuters the press, Trump’s critics and the Democratic Party.

    Our only hope is to organize the overthrow of the corporate state that vomited up Trump. Our democratic institutions, including the legislative bodies, the courts and the media, are hostage to corporate power. They are no longer democratic. We must, like resistance movements of the past, engage in acts of sustained mass civil disobedience, especially strikes, and non-cooperation. By turning our ire on the corporate state, rather than Trump, we name the true sources of power and abuse. We expose the absurdity of blaming our demise on demonized groups such as undocumented workers, Muslims, African-Americans, Latinos, liberals, feminists, gays and others. We give people an alternative to a bankrupt Democratic Party – whose presidential candidate is in clear cognitive decline – that is a full partner in corporate oppression and cannot be rehabilitated. We make possible the restoration of an open society. If we fail to embrace this militancy, which alone has the ability to destroy cult leaders, we will continue the march toward tyranny.


      4 months ago

      At best it might’ve given us a win for the White House but this is just one election. Even if Donald Trump wins and voluntarily leaves office afterwards his GOP successor will be even worse I’m sure. The best thing about Trump is how much of a lazy grifter he is. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if barely anything changes at the federal level because he’s too busy trying to line his pockets with taxpayer money. The DeSantises and Ramiswamys of the US want to hand over the country to the corporations and churches and they’re fine doing it for pennies on the dollar.