• LobYonder
    6 months ago

    These issues fall into a few categories:

    1. Coordination with government/deep state (USA and others). This is inherent with any dominant company or near-monopoly. Privacy-oriented decentralized solutions are needed.
    2. Over-reliance on a single provider, made easy by “one stop shop” convenience. The onus is really on the user to be aware of, avoid, and use alternatives/backups, although it’s hard for non-techy Grandma to do this. We need more awareness of password managers and encrypted vaults and easy-to-use solutions.
    3. Snooping on data/emails and advertising data mining. This is due to Google’s business model. There are alternative approaches.
    4. Woke & neoliberal propaganda; censorship and biased search results. This is partly due to 1) and also the demographics of Google employees and the current zeitgeist.

    While non-commercial p2p tech like Lemmy can help, I think the real alternatives to the surveillance society will come with standardized fungible internet (micro)payments as a foundation of decentralized business models. XMR can play a key role here.