You can talk about bitcoin in any bitcoin specific spaces on the internet. You ever noticed that? You can talk about Austrian economics, you can talk about price, you can talk about influencers, you can talk about hardware wallets, but if you try to ever go into technical details about bitcoin to discuss their strengths and weaknesses you get called a shitcoin shill big blocker trying to ruin it’s decentralization and probably also get banned. This is in every bitcoin specific space, the subreddit,, bitcointalk, everywhere. You can’t actually discuss bitcoin with bitcoin people.

And this is a problem. It means that no technical innovation whatsoever can happen on bitcoin. It means that they’re like a herd of buffalo headed for a cliff at full speed.

That wouldn’t be a problem if bitcoin was perfect. But it isn’t. There’s a huge, huge problem in bitcoin that I wrote a post about here that I began to understand when I saw multiple people complaining that they have DCA UTXOs that are too small to spend right now because of fees. I understand the mechanics of bitcoin pretty well, so I thought through it and came to those conclusions and of course, the believer that I am, wanted to have a conversation about it because it is a very big deal, either I’m wrong and need to be corrected by someone or it means that bitcoin is going to fail.

They’re going head first into a crisis and you can’t even have a conversation about it. And I just hope they don’t take us all down with them. I am no longer bullish on bitcoin long term, only in the mid term like one, maybe two more halvings, and if those of us that really believe in this peer to peer electronic cash thing actually want to see it succeed we need to position ourselves to not go down with the ship, to be the fixed version of bitcoin when it happens.

Monero already has a head start on that, but the problem I referenced also applies to Monero if and when it becomes widely adopted. It really is scary to realize that these networks have a design constraint that prevents them from ever being widely used, unless it is fixed the entire thing is going to suddenly go up in flames and the freedom money revolution will be over. Again, if I’m wrong about that I welcome discussion because I really, really don’t want to be right about it.

  • VolunTerry
    9 months ago


    Just look into Blockstream and a lot of the head scratching about the changing direction of BTC from it’s original vision and whitepaper clears up.

    XMR>BTC if you are considering Satoshi and the cypherpunks original vision for digital cash to replace the corrupt fiat system. If you are talking network effect, adoption, pioneering or any of a host of other topics, this simple dynamic changes. That is why the discussion gets cut short or ignored when it fails to veer off to tangents from discussing the original vision and use case of BTC.