The Albanese government is about to have to make a really important decision.

It’s going to have to decide what’s more important: supporting Australians who are financially under water, or keeping an election promise.

And it’ll have to do it soon. It’s already working on its May budget, now just six months away.

That choice will affect almost every Australian, and it could shape whether you’re thousands of dollars a year better off – or not – from July next year.

[…] When asked in an Australia Institute survey what was more important – keeping a promise or reacting to changing economic circumstances – 61% picked reacting to changing circumstances.

Even among Coalition voters, 56% supported reacting to changing circumstances.

It puts the Stage 3 tax cuts in play. There’s still time, and plenty of electoral and economic reasons to rejig them.

    10 months ago

    They were a product of the lnp government whose whole selling point is essentially “we’re bringing down your taxes”. You can see it for example in how they always campaign around the narrative that Labor are coming for your money. Death taxes - the Bill Australia can’t afford etc. That and ‘stop the boats’. It’s very effective I guess, who doesn’t want to pay less taxes? Most people don’t really understand the complexities of why paying tax is good for economic equity and how we all benefit from properly funded services.