There are already 2TB SSDs available for less than 80€ and prices are expected to go even lower.
I agree with Artic Mine and believe storage is not going to be a problem for Monero and that the only real bottleneck is upload speed.
What do you think?
@monerobull What if someone doesn’t have 80€ ? By raising the cost of running a node you cut off the very demographic you’re supposed to serve.
The chain is currently 170 GB, people who can store it now will be able to store it at the same price or most likely way cheaper than what their 256 GB SSD costed many years from now when the chain is 10 times bigger. If 2 TB SSDs are halving in price every 1-2 years, smaller SSDs that are already cheap become cheaper too.
@monerobull The current size of the chain is already unacceptable for most users (even after pruning). People are not going to buy new hardware to accommodate a growing chain, they’ll switch to centralized providers.
Also, I think it’s reasonable to assume that everyone will be getting poorer in the coming years.
That’s just not true. Have a look at this chart. People still get the newest one every year:
People also need to stop thinking that running a proper global payment network can work only on raspberry pis and 500kb internet.
Good thing that with the improvements to lightwallets you’ll only need to have 1 person in your social circle that you somewhat trust running a node.
>People also need to stop thinking that running a proper global payment network can work only on raspberry pis and 500kb internet.
It’s the only way to run a truly global network. Otherwise you’ll get a cluster of nodes controlled by a tiny oligarchy. That’s what happened to Ethereum, where “this is fine” and “hardware is getting cheaper” narratives were also dominant.
>Good thing that with the improvements to lightwallets you’ll only need to have 1 person in your social circle that you somewhat trust running a node.
Even Bitcoin, where the chain can be pruned to a couple of gigabytes, has only ~16500 active nodes, and the number is not growing anymore. That’s one node per ~400000 people.
The cost of running a node needs to be comparable to the cost of running ActivityPub server. Only then node-sharing might become prevalent.
Hosting this server is more expensive than my Monero full node since I already have a PC and got a used 25€ 500GB SSD just for the node. I doubt cost of hardware is actually the main reason why people don’t run nodes. The biggest reason would be that they simply don’t have a PC they can leave on all the time or are on limited data plans and downloading anything above a few GB would mean they don’t have internet for the rest of the month. My whole point is just that storage is not this massive bottleneck bitcoiners make it out to be, there are others that are way bigger.
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We have like 70 years of data. People literally call the assumption of IT-stuff getting cheaper “laws”.
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Alright, if your expected scenario is that bleak, sure, we should try our best to keep the chain as storage efficient as possible but even if Taiwan and China stop supplying SSDs there are still quite a few manufacturers outside of those two countries and your bigger concern should be regarding CPU / other components.
@monerobull @monero
Fair enough.
My concern is the tendency to build freedom preserving technology in a way that presumes the economic bubble of the last 70 years will continue. Especially considering the geo-political state of the world, and the patterns of history.
And I am not sure that it will be a sudden and rapid collapse. In fact I doubt it.
But things are changing, and the economy we have enjoyed due to a post WW2 bubble, is ending. And we dont produce enough of our own stuff. We need to be wise. If i see a production chain from material supply, to end product, that has resilience to shifting geopolitics, Ill ease up on resource efficiency.
yeah that would be cool.
i love it so much when americans think the usa is the only country and the usd is the only currency in the world