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Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I got a chuckle out of the middle one.

    The middle one I could find somebody mention online before the episode came out, the other two don’t show up at all. So the middle one I think is from the LN, the other two might be anime original (or maybe just not funny enough to post online). I have a feeling these are just referencing LNs this time. The cover arts feel inspired as well.

    • クラスの1軍女子に、赤スパ投げられてます!
    • 借りた部屋にJKが付いてきたけど、食費が高くてもう限界です。
    • 銀河皇帝の娘さんは、丁寧な暮らしを望んでいる。

  • I haven’t made a bridge to a VM before today, or made a bridge with Network Manager. That being said, I was able to persuade Network Manger to get a bridge working, and there are a few things I can note:

    • When you setup the bridge, the host network interface should become a slave to the bridge. This means that the physical network interface should not have an IP Address, and your bridge should now be where you configure the host’s IP address.

      • After you start the VM, you should be able to run ip link | grep 'master br0' on the host, and it should display 2 interfaces which are slaves to br0. One for the physical ethernet interface, one for the VM (vnet). And it should only list your ethernet interface when the VM is off.
    • The RedHat tutorial does not show the bridge and the host having different IP addresses, the RedHat tutorial shows the bridge and the guest having different IP addresses. Actually, no, the RedHat tutorial shows the libvirt NAT bridge, not even the bridge that the tutorial describes creating… If you set the IP address of virbr0, I don’t know what happens.

    • If your VM’s network adapter is connected to the host’s bridge, then you should be able to log into your VM and set a static IP address.

    I had a lot of problems getting Network Manager to actually use my ethernet interface as a slave for the bridge. Here’s what worked for me, though:

    nmcli con show
    nmcli con down 'Wired Connection 1'
    nmcli con modify 'Wired Connection 1' connection.autoconnect no
    nmcli con add type bridge con-name br0 ifname br0
    nmcli connection add type bridge-slave ifname enp7s0 master br0
    nmcli con modify br0 connection.autoconnect yes
    nmcli con modify bridge-slave-enp7s0 connection.autoconnect yes
    nmcli con modify br0 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses bridge.stp no
    sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
    nmcli con show
    ip addr
    • Instead of enp7s0, you’d use enp1s0 I guess.
    • Above, I manually set my bridge IP address to a static address because my ethernet interface is wired directly to another computer, so no DHCP for me. If you have DHCP on your ethernet network, you probably don’t need to set “ipv4.method” or “ipv4.addresses”.
    • I set “bridge.stp” to “no” because my network doesn’t have any redundant paths, and the stp process seems to take like 25 seconds before I can use the bridge network.

    After that, I can go into “Virtual Machine Manger”, set my VM’s NIC’s Network Source to “Bridge device…”, Device name to"br0", boot my VM, login to my VM, configure my VM’s ip address. And then I can connect to the VM’s IP address from the physical ethernet network.

  • It was great to see he finally getting his moment, to see him pulling that move from the Tokyo Blade manga out of nowhere and making the crowd go wild.

    It’s always nice to see the underdog succeed with hard work and dedication. And in this case, it’s an underdog story for a side-character that began back in the previous season, so it has more impact compared to if Melt was introduced for this arc.

    If this was real, Melt’s sword kick & flip performance would be absolutely insane to watch, compared to his previous acting. I guess the show shows this with the Sweet Today’s author’s initial dumbfounded reaction.

  • The way Wolf resolved the situation with Emilia and Tobias, by inviting Dahlia out, felt strange and unnatural to me. Tit-for-tat, I suppose. It did show how Wolf was immediately able to see the twisted game that Emilia was playing and was also immediately able to resolve it, while still getting implicit consent from Dahlia in the process.

    And then the follow-up scene where they both geek out about magic tools, establishing that their personalities match quite well.

    Oof, the sentimental part at the end hit me. 🥲 Watching again, I think the animators did an excellent job of displaying the emotions here, despite feeling like the animation has a tight budget.

    Also, is that meat-wrapped fruit that I spot? I know this is a fantasy world, but even fantasy has its limits… (Allegedly Italians eat melon wrapped with prosciutto, but I refuse to believe this.)

  • Note that some shows have had their episodes delayed/postponed due to the Olympic broadcasts happening. So, there might be more green on the chart this week than normal due to that.

    Notably Wistoria’s Wand and Sword and My Hero Academia Season 7 were delayed. Additionally, Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World Season 2 just dropped from 5th to 24th. Altogether leaving 3 spots open in the top 10 this week.

  • a) Mystery demonkin guy is moved by Noor’s attempt to “save” him from the dragon, and saves him

    Perhaps the poison reserve in the dragon has been depleted. This would give a chance for Lynne and Ines to strike down the dragon. Afterwords the demonkin would recover Noor from the poison. This would give an excuse for Ines to not immediately arrest the demonkin. The demonkin is likely to have a way to resist the dragon’s poison for personal use. This feels like the traditional fantasy anime answer to this setup.

    From Ines’ attitude, I don’t think Ines or Lynne can save Noor from the poison. So alternatively, maybe Noor uses something like low-recover to recover from the poison. Though I think we’ve only seen Noor use low-heal, not low-recover.

    But what is this show if Noor doesn’t parry the poison out of his body? And then downplay his abilities? My vote is C!

  • I liked this episode better than the previous two. Though it did feel like I was watching what should’ve been episode 1.

    The mysteriousness in the story’s world around the Magia Vander and the Fated Day still feels rather unnecessary. We got some information on both after the credits, but not much that we unexpected. There’s 5 chairs, so perhaps there are only 5 Magia Vander. All 4 of the Magia Vander present at the “meeting” (where they all have silly chairs pointing in the same direction, and Elfaria is facing away from everybody, lol) appear to be rather young. Whether that has an in-universe explanation or it’s just a shounen anime thing, I don’t think we’ll find out any time soon.

    Cariot’s line was a bit confusing to me.

    As usual, we’re holding a boring meeting merely for the sake of it. If the barrier were breached now, the world would be lost.

    Why are the Magia Vander having a meaningless meeting? What does that have to do with the barrier being breached? Do meaningless meetings support the barrier? Or was that just a crazy non-sequitur to let the Magia Vander do some basic exposition?

  • Dahlia has so many allies.

    They spent so much time showing the logistics of how the engagement gets nullified, and surprisingly it was pretty engaging to watch. It felt like getting a glimpse into this fantasy world. All the people involved with the legal work seemed to be allied with Dahlia as well, which seems like a bit of a conflict of interest… I expect Tobias got a high interest loan.

    Glad that Dahlia gets her protagonist hair color back.

    At the end it looks like Dahlia meets the man featured in the OP and series poster. From the OP I was not expecting him to be a knight. Their meet cute is an interesting situation; I’m curious in how this will fold out.

  • Your post wraps ups my concerns with these first two episodes.

    Sure, I could just accept that Will needs to do what he’s doing… but there already was an exposition on the tower this episode! They could’ve helped us understand the world better. Nope, instead we get a “hey, remember that you need to graduate to move up!”. And because of that we get a battle test that Will has to pass because… because he has to graduate! And he needs to graduate, we just learned that’s how you move up!

    They showed one of the classmates becoming mangled. Presumably the other took a good hit as well. They chose to keep both classmates alive. No explanation. I guess it’s magic!

    Maybe it’s leaving out details intentionally. I doubt it; it feels sloppy. (I mean, we did just see a teacher go to the principal to ask for permission to give a student a surprise extra-difficult test where failure means expulsion because the teacher doesn’t like that the student can’t use magic.) It feels like they don’t want to bother fleshing out the world. Let’s just move the plot forwards. Am I supposed to care? I feel like the answer might be “no”.

    A lot of the rest is done fairly competently. I’m willing to ride along and maybe it’ll get better. I’m expecting it won’t.