
  • 53 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I don’t think people are “refusing”

    I know a few people who have no reason NOT to learn to drive, but just don’t and instead mooch off everyone else.

    My folks had a falling out with a couple they’d been friends with for ages because they refused to get their licence… But then expected them to come and pick them up from the train station when they were invited to dinner, spent most of the night telling everyone how smart they are for not having a car, and then expecting a lift back to the train station. Having just spent a couple of hours banging on about how much financially better off they were, I saw it as essentially stealing to then demand someone else use their asset and running costs to carry them around for free.

    My sister in law finally got her licence at 30-something after a couple of decades constantly harassing family members for a ride.

  • Why doesn’t Shorten just use ChatGPT to write his speeches?

    While there’s no direct evidence that Bill Shorten uses ChatGPT to write his speeches, it’s an intriguing thought! 😄

    However, let’s delve into the reality. Bill Shorten, the Australian politician and former leader of the Australian Labor Party, has faced scrutiny over the use of a high-priced speechwriter. Here are some key points:

    Speechwriter Contract: A speechwriter named Julianne Stewart was contracted to provide speeches for Bill Shorten. The contract amounted to more than $620,000 over two years. Quite the hefty sum!

    External Contractor: The interesting twist is that Julianne Stewart was an external contractor, engaged outside of the agency and beyond the Australian Public Service. This decision raised eyebrows, especially since the agency already had internal resources for speechwriting.

    Minister’s Denial: Bill Shorten has denied any involvement in setting the salary or negotiating the contract. He stated that the hiring of a speechwriter was done by Services Australia, and he had no idea about the payment details. So, no ChatGPT conspiracy here!

    Role and Responsibilities: Julianne Stewart’s role extended beyond just writing speeches for Shorten. She also writes for Services Australia and mentors and trains internal communications officers. Perhaps she’s a multitasking wordsmith!

    Senate Scrutiny: Liberal senators questioned why an internal candidate wasn’t chosen for the job, especially given the existing capacity within the agency. The issue became a point of contention during Senate Estimates.

    In summary, while ChatGPT might not be directly involved, the world of political speechwriting remains fascinating and occasionally controversial. Maybe one day, AI will lend its creative prowess to crafting political rhetoric! 🤖🎙️