4 days agoWhen i first played ultrakill, i thought: yeah, it’s fine. I guess this is a okay game. Wait a minute… Coins? Is this the best game ever made?
When i first played ultrakill, i thought: yeah, it’s fine. I guess this is a okay game. Wait a minute… Coins? Is this the best game ever made?
He is the last one who can save anything. What’s the last good movie he was in? School of rock?
And only one of these movies is good tho.
I think it’s only getting worse. I always assumed the next generation will be more tech savvy than the last one. I had to learn windows/mac/dos when i grew up, just to play some video games. There was a lot of troubleshooting and hardware problems i had to figure out. When i was 25, people would tell me that their 5 year old can use their ipd better than they can. (Ipads just came out.) I thought these kids are gonna be computer wizards when they grow up. It was the absolute opposite. I talked to these kids when they were around 16 again, and they were absolutely clueless. If it wasn’t an ipad or an app they could use, they might as well play with a piece of glass. Can you do … On an ipad? Hmm, what app is that? It’s not an app is something you do, like a setting. Hmmm… I’ll check the app store.