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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022


  • His action has widespread attention so the Pax Americana cannot commit the typical brutality and human rights violations against him. This is unlike the people who are exposing the Indian Residential fake school death camp genocide in British diaspora that secretly continued after 1997, the recent replacement of depleted Indigenous child slaves in fake schools with intentionally displaced refugee of color, the continued land thief to create ‘natural’ park, the plagiarism of work of people of color in international development, and human trafficking under the fake cultural assimilation policy.

  • Zelensky could also stop the Kyiv’s genocide against civilians in rebelling states in Dombas that provided the justification for Russian military intervention in the first place. Besides the self-infliction of the Russian military intervention, the martial law is also unjustifiable from the increasing evidence that Russian military is loyally obeying Putin’s order to protect an ethnic group in Ukraine from genocide. I gain my information mostly from Pax Americana fake news and Pax Americana bootlickers about the Ukraine-Russia war, but even the biased sources of information indicated that Putin is conducting real humanitarian intervention in Ukraine if the biased information is critically examined. One of the evidences is that defectors from Russian military had not existed contrary to the earlier Pax Americana reports. A second evidence is that the videos of “Russian” assault against civilians occured in Dombass that is under the control of “Russian”, or Ukrainians who seek separation from Kyiv. A third evidence is that the reports that Ukraine is the one that face economic collapse from the war contrary to the prophecy that Russia will face economic collapse which indicates that Kyiv is the one who suffer from defection and wasteful military spending. The reports of corruption by Kyiv government even from news companies that often publicize false information that support Kyiv is a fourth evidence.

  • The British diaspora and Western Europeans now depend on a huge influx of legal immigrants of color to support their parasitic lifestyle although they could still gather a reserves of undocumented immigrants as slaves. The open imports of immigrants of color indicates that British diaspora depleted its reserves of Indigenous child slaves and stolen inheritance in the Residential fake School death camps and that Pax Americana could not use the Bretton Woods Institution to steal the fruit of other people’s labor from the debt trapping, misinformation, blackmailing, and puppet governments. The need of elites in Western European diaspora to betray their own wasteful white people for new immigrants of color is a major indication that Pax Americana order is already failing.

  • Capitalism in practice follow the original definition of Capitalism to implement government by a few property owning elites for the few property owning elites, so Capitalism will use taxpyer money to investment in fast food industry to cause obesity problems to make money for a few people at the cost of the 99%. Another source of obesity is the ability of European immigrants to buy a lot of food from the welfare of their government that provide free child slaves in Indian Residential fake schools, free money from stolen inheritance of abducted Aboriginal children, and free misappropriation of Aboriginal parent’s funding with the lie that the funding will provide high quality education in indian Residential fake school slave camps, luxurious living conditions to abducted children, and promise to make the children into elites of European immigrant society.

    Another problem is the lack of access to healthy food. The African Americans and Native Americans lack access to healthy food from racist policies that sound good in name only, corrupted white government officers, and regions with only fast food among the affordable food. There are aboriginal First Nation people who face forced imprisonment in federal reserves concentration camps where they endure planned starvation and planned chemical attacks until they forfeit the fruit of their labor and reparation for Indian Residential fake school holocaust that became the milder Nazi Holocaust, so the financial and social problems from the federal reserves concentration camps made it hard to afford healthy food. Some European immigrants have obesity problems, but most of them have enough government support and wealth from stolen land and stolen inheritance from abducted Indignous children to buy healthy food to avoid obesity without financial bankruptcy.

  • The real and original definition of Capitalism is government by the property owning class contrary to the current Pax Americana redefinition in paper to mean minimal government intervention that provides fake definition of Capitalism in real life. I will presume that the governor of Rio Grande is one of the authoritarian Capitalist government that depends on rigged election and support from British diaspora, and that the governor extracted tax, properties, land, and support from the victims of the flood through dishonest means and refuse to bear accountability that comes with authority.

  • For background information, Juan Guaido is a self-proclaimed president of Venezuela, and the self-proclaimation gain approval from the USA, Spain, and other insignificant parties. At the start of self-proclaimation, the majority of Venezuelans do not know that Guaido even existed. Despite the claim of violent repression by Venezuelan Socialist president Maduro, Guaido disprove his accusation of authoritarianism of Maduro with Guaido’s overt claim to enter and leave Venezuela without fear of state terrorism. Despite his slogan of anti-corruption, a Colombian government officer exposed strong evidence of corruption under Guaido’s unofficial government, but supporters of Guaido claim that the scandal was the work of Guaido to stop corruption in his unofficial government. When many social media users complained that Guaido receive no violent attacks in his many visitation in Venezuela despite his overt opposition to Maduro, an armed person suddenly appeared in front of the crowd of Guaido and his supporters in Venezuela, delay the shooting, and then shot the leg of one of Guaido’s supporters after careful aiming which raise suspicion that Maduro’s claim of false flag terrorism is true.

  • Are you supporting the very authoritarian doctrine that the Liberals, red fascist tankiejerkers, victims of Communism, Pax Americana, and Bretton Woods institutions support in their hypocrisy? As a child from the abusive ableist victim of Communist family, I know that the Liberals justify their hypocritical authoritarianism with their claim that democracy, rule of law, and freedom are unrealistic policies that only existed in the little fantasy world of “spoiled” kids despite the many allegation of victories of “democracy” domestically and internationally under racist Western European diaspora. The tricks to the Liberal’s excuse for authoritarianism are that they brainwashed you to think that only the Western European approach to democracy are the only possible approach to democracy which negate all other realistic approaches to democracy and rule of law, that the alleged victories of democracy in Pax Americana are actually victories of Pax Americana authoritarianism, and that there are unreported victories of democracy under people of color and Communism.

  • By inspection, the article stated that Israel military force deny the mass burial of bodies in the two Gaza hospital but not whether Israel kill the buried people. The Israel state could claim that the buried bodies were from people who die from causes other than Israel terrorist attacks, but Israel did not even mention the mass burial during their occupation. It is critical to gain more testimony from the Israel soldiers who operated in the hospital to know more about the stories that they are telling about the mass burial. The fact that multiple unrelated parties like the UN Chief and Palestinian government officer reported the mass burial indicate that the mass burial did exist although there is the question of why Israel did not conceal the mass burial through means like burning of the corpse. As Israel claim that they had defeated Hamas and terrorized the Palestinian people enough, they cannot use the claim that someone somehow move a large number of corpses into the hospitals for fake evidence of war crimes by Israel especially from the limitation of scarce resource and destroyed infrastructure.

  • The Hong Kong rioters frequntly use the Xinnie Pooh insult to mock Xi for his skin color and East Asian appearance which expose their anti-Chinese racism and their identity as European diaspora. When I questioned their racist connotation with the Winnie Pooh stereptype, they tried to make irrational excuses or change the topic. The interesting fact is that the self-proclaimed Hong Kong independence advocate used the ban on the Xinnie Pooh racism as the only example of Chinese media censorship. There is also other obvious evidence that the alleged Hong Kong independence movement is an attempts to return Hong Kong under British authoritarian rule like the refusal to talk about the life under British rule, the false association of British colonialism to independence and democratic utopia, the lack of awareness that all their activities in Hong Kong that they openly publicized in media could only exist under a democratic government, and their claim that Hong Kong belongs to sinophobic British people that are rude to Hong Kongers.

  • Although the conservative European immigrants would use racial equility as their reason for their dissatisfaction, do they realized how blessed and spoiled they are? The European immigrants had gained free stolen land, free child labor from Indian Residential fake Schools since the 1850s that could continue in secret, free stolen inheritance from state-sponsored abducted First Nation Native American children, authority to censor the widespread evidences of fake school death camps that keep on appearing, election of war criminals that pass their savage practices to Nazi German without consequence, free high quality healthcare from unethical experimenations of First Nation children in fake schools, and the opportunity to avoid poor living condition according to their own individual choice.

  • I could believe the deliberate murder by Israel military since Israel confessed that they intentionally commit vandalism and destruction of properties against everyone in West Bank on the allegation that anti-terrorist terrorism is the best method to kill terrorists in faithfulness to Pax Americana anti-terrorist terrorist policies against people of color. When Hamas attack Israel, they set the attack at a time when Israel leave no option but violence to free West Bank from oppression. Even then, Hamas had detained citizens and not kill them, unlike Israel who targeted civilians, frame hamas for refutable mass rapes, and childishly complained that Hamas should be accountable for the terrorism by Israel government.

  • On background note, the GDP and the flawed financial measurement criteria by the Bretton Woods institutions do not measure cost of living because it will disprove the belief that Capitalism, which is a economic system that concentrates wealth to a few landowners contrary to the de jure Pax Americana redefinition, eliminates poverty. The Pax Americana creates the assumption that all countries and regions have minimal living expense requirement of $2 USD, and then use the high short-term financial growth under Capitalism to prove that Capitalism is eliminating poverty even when the temporary high financial growth masks decline in other dimensions that will lead to long-term financial regression.

  • It is interesting how Israel use the Pax Americana self-contradiction to claim that rebels are terrorists when the rebels harm civilians, but then justify government attacks against civilians in the anti-terrorist terrorist attacks from the allegation that the government need to terrorist suspects within a crowd of civilians. The Azov thugs had been using Donbass civilians and even Kyiv civilians as hostages, but Pax Americana decided to blame Russians for the killing instead of the Azov terrorist thugs.