• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I will not spend hours of my time researching and writing a detailed reply for someone that thinks PoW can be masked as PoS. I know the fundamentals of software engineering and blockchains, and those are enough to explain why you should take the devs word about ethereum being PoS. How the staking mechanism works is irrelevant for this discussion.

    Maybe I should’ve included the small explanation in my first reply, but given the other commenter’s attitude I doubt it would matter.

  • The math involved in LLMs is not complex for anyone that has passed undergrad Calc and Linear Algebra classes. If you know derivatives, the chain rule and some matrix basics you can figure them out with enough studying.

    The hard part about LLMs is not the math but the neural net architecture innovations they brought (eg self-attention)

  • I find it funny that when people from other instances disagree with something here, they introduce themselves in a similar fashion as you:

    I’m an advocate for democracy, human rights, and civil liberty with an aversion to harm

    Every socialist is an advocate for these things as well. How can someone advocate for workplace democracy without being an advocate for democracy in general? Isn’t working to alleviate poverty (like China, where they have already lifted 700+ million people out of it) a victory for human rights? Isn’t a system where everyone is accountable and can’t use their wealth to circumvent the law an improvement for civil liberties? And lastly, every human who isn’t a psychopath has an aversion to harm…

    Meanwhile, liberalism also claims to advocate for these things, but with no actions to back them. How can someone claim that choosing which rich people party to vote for every 4 years is democratic? Yet most people don’t challenge this claim. How can someone claim to be an advocate for human rights but take no action against homelessness and poverty? Historically, why is it that most (if not all) human rights declarations happened in slave-owning and/or imperialist countries?

  • Adding to this:

    For many years Parenti taught political and social science at various institutions of higher learning. His most prominent academic position was at the University of Vermont where he taught from 1970 to 1972. During his time there he was one of the most published and well known scholars on campus, in part due to his active role in on and off campus activities against the Vietnam War. At the end of his two year contract the faculty voted to extend his position, but their decision was directly overturned by the University’s Board of Trustees. The trustees alleged that Parenti had violated the University’s professional conduct policy, citing as evidence his “anti-business” attitudes and not saying the pledge of allegiance when he was invited to speak at the Burlington Rotary Club.

    This is taken from a previous version of Parenti’s wikipedia page. I was trying to find it just now, and realized that a lot of stuff has been removed for referencing primary sources (lol, lmao even)

  • Seconded. I believe categorizing freelancers as petty bourgeois is going for the letter instead of the meaning of the term. A youtuber with no editor may own the means of production (his camera and computer) but ultimately depends on Google in order to be able to work. Similarly, freelancers may own their respective means of production, but they may be dependent on platforms like fiverr or corporations hiring them as contractors.