@[email protected] why shouldn’t a vote invite harassment?
#activityPub #arkansas #aws #bike #bitcoin #blockchain #btc #cannabis #coffee #crypto #cryptocurrency #css #customElements #cycling #cypress #developer #devops #eBike #fedi22 #filecoin #foss #frontEnd #fullStack #fungi #gaming #graphql #helium #hnt #html #icp #ipfs #javaScript #js #linux #lit #mushrooms #openSource #oregon #pdx #photography #pnw #portland #pwa #react #reactjs #retroGaming #rg35xx #sanFrancisco #sega #serverless #sf #shadowDom #tech #technology #unreal #videoGames #vr #web #web3 #webApps #webComponents #webDev
@[email protected] why shouldn’t a vote invite harassment?
@[email protected] @[email protected] there’s a whole insurance industry for covering legal fees regarding improperly titled real estate and it generated over $20 BILLION dollars in premiums in 2022!
If the title to a house were an #NFT, you could verify it’s validity in seconds!
@[email protected] that door swings both ways; people can downvote you without any accountability. What if you want to bite them? What if an anonymous army of downvoters brigades all your posts with downvotes? You’d have no way of knowing who to block.