Well, sure. One could also be a vegetarian and a Pisces. But that’s not relevant to the quite literal exploitation that is the issue in the OP
Well, sure. One could also be a vegetarian and a Pisces. But that’s not relevant to the quite literal exploitation that is the issue in the OP
You’re not antiwork, you’re anti-capitalism.
Fascinating that no one answered my question but instead chose to down vote the question.
There is nothing wrong with being offensive, and you know it.
Covid-19 is ravaging several continents. To suggest it is located in one country alone is simply incorrect.
Kind of too late to take the vaccine now though. It’s not like it will work instantly. If you take it now, it’ll really be useful for the next wave in the spring.
They have an actual bed, not just a futon. That’s luxurious.
What’s wrong with being offensive?
Nope, it is not. Exploitation is about capitalism, not work. People who do work without being exploited feel satisfied by it. From worker owned cooperwtives to grandma making a scarf.