…just this guy, you know.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年5月7日


  • no, not cartoon villains, just morbidly self interested and narcissistic.

    any host (out world included) has a finite carrying capacity. we are currently well beyond ours. the profit motive is strong in these people but, for a small but meaningful few, survival is (surprisingly) stronger - go figure!

    <ravings> however, in typical billionaire/trillionaire grandiosity, I don’t think the idea is just survival, but correction. and the correction is reducing the load on the planet to appropriate levels for profit and service - I kinda, sorta think the dime store tony stark himself, one elon musk, is there on this… </ravings>

    I have no proof other than my fevered imagination and observation of people and especially those who think themselves masters of the universe.

    am I right/wrong? I am not sure it matters. we are in 100% uncharted territory here and the likleyhood is high that we all go down together on this one.

  • If you’re skeptical that this feat is possible with a raw 4004, you’re right: The 4004 itself is far too limited to run Linux directly. Instead, Grinberg created a solution that is equally impressive: an emulator that runs on the 4004 and emulates a MIPS R3000 processor—the architecture used in the DECstation 2100 workstation that Linux was originally ported to. This emulator, along with minimal hardware emulation, allows a stripped-down Debian Linux to boot to a command prompt.

    that is 2^8 levels of insane! and of course its Debian.

    edit: 4bit data 12bit addressing make it an 8bit processor ; -)

    I will slowly corrode on this hill.

  • just finished watching the full NABJ interview for the second time. she’s good. I mean, Obama quality good (re: politics, not policy). if she believes what she says (I heard - cuz , the feels) and is able to follow through, she can make a positive difference in this country.

    if you have a political fence sitter in your life. please find this interview, watch it and share it.

    edit: I have now seen lots of “she so scripted” posts on teh interwebz. pretty sure these are all astrorturf bleed over. watch the video for yourself - I came away satisfied with her as a human being and, potentially, a president. polish does not always mean scripted, my peeps.