Northeast USA, 41 years old at the time (50 now), previous car to current one was a manual Honda Civic because it was what we could afford. My husband took me to a parking lot to show me the basics on a Saturday (he’d learned to drive on a stick shift), then off I went to work that Monday.
NGL. first month I cried a lot because I stalled out often, especially between first and second gear. After a while, though, I grew to love the control–especially in winter conditions–and that I could now drive any car. Eventually, the transmission burnt out, and we got a hybrid C-Max, which is nice, fuel-efficient, but I would drive another manual again if given the opportunity.
I’m with you–folks already forget what he did with the rail workers?
Endorsing Trump would be ridiculous, but how about the unions endorse no one–can that be a thing?