Perhaps that’s because it’s what you know best and are used to. Volumetric measurements of anything that doesn’t have a fixed density make no sense to me. What the hell is one cup of broccoli? Even a cup of flour can have wildly different ammounts of flour. My least favorite though is butter, how the hell am I supposed to measure out 3 tablespoons of butter? Melt it all on the stove and pour out what I need? I find it incredibly unintuitive.
I brought up broccoli specifically because I recently wanted to know the nutrition facts of broccoli, and the initial google results were for 1 cup, and not 100g as is standard in I guess everywhere that uses metric. I have absolutely no idea how much broccoli that is, not only because I’m not used to it, but the dimensions of the cup and how finely chopped the broccoli is matter quite a lot in terms of how much actual broccoli we’re talking about. It’s just so ambiguous.