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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • I’d argue that those Fortnite streams are not necessarily a waste of time. OP could have watched Fortnite streams while doing the dishes or left it running while reading something else. OP could have left an automatic playlist running overnight because he dozed off. Playing devil’s advocate here obviously but I’m compelled to do it when someone makes a case with obvious gaps in context.

  • I’ve got a cheap ESP8266 controller and WS2821B LED strip which I’m going to connect to a jailbroken LG TV to replace my old Govee TV backlight. I might have already damaged the strip and that ESP8266 might not be compatible with high bandwidth firmware. Fun!

    [edit] I did it! Need to cut it, add corner wiring and tape it to the TV but all technical obstacles are now solved. The chip was fine but it couldn’t negotiate high speed connection without using rather quirky setup, otherwise it’s just crap itself.

  • I finally finished On the Silver Globe. What started out as an amazingly ambitious sci-fi for being shot in the late 70s, it falls of a cliff after the prologue. It’s probably budget constraints but later parts are something between way too artsy theatre play and a Burning Man festival. Watch first half an hour and then go check out stills from the rest of the movie because scene compositions and art direction is insane. Alternatively just watch a modern trailer, leave everything to imagination and skip it entirely.