But they don’t dictate it. They win if you cry only when it doesn’t affect them
But they don’t dictate it. They win if you cry only when it doesn’t affect them
Buy a new PC
You would/could be anything and your message would still be on the level of nazi propaganda.
The quality of an argument/message is independet from whom it comes from.
If it would depend on whom a message comes from, it would lead to “Argumentum ad hominem”…
PS Initial topic: causation vs correlation! All Nazis ate bread. -> “Eating bread makes you a nazi.”
PS2: trying to find a correlation between religion (christianity) and absolute evil(being nazi) is exactly what Nazis did. They said that there is a correlation between being jewish and the cause of all bad things happening.
You should first learn to read. He said nazi PROPAGANDA, fcking moron.
Wtf, if you say so… have a whatever day
Ah okey, sorry my comment was not meant as insult. I was just showing my “worthless” confusion about your PUBLIC post. Have a great day/night anyway ✌️
Wtf is this?!? I thought we use window manager to escape from mouse and not tweak it to make i t “mousefriendly”
What about window managers? i3wm as example