• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • His response is interesting.

    It also leads to racial hatred and division and doesn’t actually address the issues. It’s like Nazis saying that black people commit so much crime because of biology. It’s false, leads needlessly to hate, and nothing gets done.

    He basically created a straw man because I rarely/ever see “woke” media that is genially racist towards white people. But then he’s trying to compare “white struggle” in the MEDIA to a real life struggle of black people, which is really fucked up. And what’s funny, he’s saying that “Nazis” say that, when people that are generally on the right are keen to be racist and make those claims, but he doesn’t want to associate with them, to not seem like he is battling one racism with the other, so he says that exclusively Nazis say this shit.

  • “Read theory”, to me, is a first but very important step. The more people read theory, the more people really understand why the movement exists. Unfortunately, after we actually read it, not everyone can put it into practice.

    Person who read the books might not have union in his workplace, or being a communist in his environment is really unpopular and could harm him physically or mentally. In this situation, what can he actually do? How can he put theory into practice? And that, to me, the question majority of communists deal with all the time.

    In this situation, the best way to utilise knowledge we got is to share it, try to push our ideas into masses because red scare didn’t go anywhere, myths about USSR, China, communism are still here and although they look more like a rotten corpse than actual arguments, people still fucking use them.

    And that’s what most of us already do, which is great. I personally do it all the time, but it is not easy, even family members (or especially them) could be really hard to convince that communism will not take their food or make them all use the same toothbrush.

    Trying to make people understand, or even listen, is not an easy and a very lengthy process. Some give up, some push forward, but if you don’t have any other means to help the movement, what can you actually do?

  • I get you, I’m surrounded with this narrative and even have people who openly hang the OUN flag in their bedroom and showcase it in online classes… no one speaks out. Why? Because they were forces who “fought against both sides”, even though it’s proven that it’s not true, it doesn’t matter, because government propaganda supports this narrative (you can already guess where I live).

    Don’t be upset, you are not alone. Don’t let them discourage you. We are with you, comrade!