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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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  • 682 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • TIL.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Edit: added quote below

    By design, WebExtensions is more limited than the promiscuous extension mechanism. By design, it also works better. Most of the Firefox development tax has disappeared, as only the WebExtensions API needs to be protected, rather than the entire code of Firefox. Most of the maintenance tax has disappeared, as the WebExtensions API are stable (there have unfortunately been a few exceptions). It is also much simpler to use, lets add-on developers share code between Firefox and Chromium add-ons and should eventually make it easier to write extensions that work flawlessly on Desktop and Mobile.

  • "You know what they want?

    They want obedient workers.

    Obedient workers.

    People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough, to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs, with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it." – George Carlin

    David Graeber’s book on bullshit jobs blew the myth of office productivity wide open several years ago. The elites have been promising us shorter work weeks for more than a century now. We have the technology to make it happen. As we speak, they’re bragging about their new AI minions.

    Of course, that article even admits that onsite employees aren’t more productive. They just find different ways to “goof off,” like shopping online or scrolling their phones. The real ire seems to stem from envy, that remote workers are capable of meeting their responsibilities while also doing healthy things and taking care of themselves, like taking a walk in the middle of the day or (gasp) even a nap. Ironically, wellness articles have been telling bosses to let their employees take walks or naps in the middle of the day for almost 20 years.

    Many news outlets finally came clean last year and reported that a big chunk of companies might simply be using office return mandates as an excuse to lay off employees and “restructure” their workforce.

    Anywhere from 12 to 20 percent of office space remains vacant. It’s worse than the 2008 recession. If these landlords can’t find a way to make money off their corporate real estate soon, they’re going to start defaulting on their loans. The landlords will go bankrupt, and banks will wind up with giant office towers they can’t sell. More than $1 trillion will go poof.

    According to a piece in the Harvard Business Review, the $1 trillion will come due between now and 2026. That explains why CEOs keep making these edicts, and newspapers keep trying to trash remote work. As the piece explains, “The damage could metastasize into a full-blown financial crisis if scores or even hundreds of small and midsize commercial banks fail simultaneously.”

    The Federal Reserve’s misguided war on inflation has made everything even worse over the last couple of years. By raising interest rates, they’ve motivated more companies to ditch their office leases. Now commercial real estate is in a death spiral that could tank the economy (again).

    Major cities have spent the last several decades catering to these corporate landlords. Now their entire downtowns rely on workers for commerce. We’re talking about all those restaurants and coffee shops that serve breakfast and lunch to white-collar workers, and all the bars where people used to go and complain about work before they spent an hour commuting home.

    Once again, the elite have gotten themselves into big trouble. They want the rest of us to bail them out. If they don’t want our tax money, they want us to give up our freedom and autonomy. They want us to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of capitalism to protect their fortunes.

  • Submit or consume the consumed

    The gags of dissonance echo as they preach

    “‘A Visceral Retch’ is a song that fans of The Somatic Defilement will latch onto immediately. It was one of the first songs we had in the chamber to work with. This song came to light thanks mostly to [guitarist] Zach Householder. He showed us and we all immediately said, ‘yup, that’s it.’ Zach is notorious for very dark and horror-like vibes so this album is right in his wheelhouse. The song is disturbing. Imagine being put in a situation of survival by gluttonous, mammoth demons that give you a choice. Eat the demons’ waste, eat each other, or starve to death. The twist, you’re against the people you love the most. It’s a way to find the ones that are truly evil people to build and strengthen their cult. It also represents how horrible people can really be, when push comes to shove.” – Phil Bozeman[1]

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  • ITT: Blue MAGA and preaching to the choir.

    Dr. Jill Stein has improved the Green Party; y’all just believe anything the duopoly and owner-class media spit out when it agrees with your thinking.

    Muslim support is at an all-time high for Dr. Jill Stein; that is why AOCPelosi, the new attack dog of Blue MAGA, started up again.

    I suggest getting out of the echo chambers and checking out independent journalists instead of continuing the self-censorship.

  • “Neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before Big Business,” Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien said in a statement.

    He added, “We sought commitments from both [former president Donald] Trump and [Vice President Kamala] Harris not to interfere in critical union campaigns or core Teamsters industries—and to honor our members’ right to strike—but were unable to secure those pledges.”

    The Teamsters, which represents truck drivers, freight workers and others, held similar meetings with Trump and President Joe Biden when he was still seeking re-election.

    On Wednesday, the union released the results of their survey, which was conducted after Biden dropped out of the race. It found that almost 60% of rank-and-file union members preferred to endorse Trump, while 34% backed Harris, according to an electronic member poll. A phone poll indicated similar margins, with 58% supporting Trump and 31% supporting Harris.

    “While the Teamsters Executive Board is making no formal endorsement, the hardworking members of the Teamsters have been loud and clear— they want President Trump back in the White House!” said campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt in a statement. “These hardworking men and women are the backbone of America and President Trump will strongly stand up for them when he’s back in the White House.”[1]

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