Yep, I know people like that. They are always doubting climate change, and you can add some far-right or incel theory behind.
well-known author El Gato
Who can’t take 2 minutes to put uppercase letters at the beginning of his sentences…
Yep, I know people like that. They are always doubting climate change, and you can add some far-right or incel theory behind.
well-known author El Gato
Who can’t take 2 minutes to put uppercase letters at the beginning of his sentences…
AGPL is better to force companies. I used to be a “Whatever” MIT guy, but I’m fed up with leeches that don’t participate or contribute, and now all my projects are in the “Fuck you” AGPL license.
Yes. He also made a fake account to lick his virtual boots:
How is free stuff related to an “economy”? And how is it related to cyber security?
these payments are processed using cryptocurrency
Oh it’s a bullshit article, sorry.
That’s hilarious. I remember Bruno being sold as the better tool because it had no subscription, and they switched to being evil in less than a year.
I think the confusion makes it better since he had to create a fake account to correct this misunderstanding.
The original dev lives in Canada. He made this fake account called “Armin Lebedev living in the Netherlands” and working for a company that doesn’t exist (no result anywhere in all the search engines). He created this account to reply to other people, he has no other activity. All his replies are like:
Wes - Never take this post down. It’s hilarious how people don’t understand that this post was made on Dec 9, a whole 11 days prior to the tweet. Complete inability to read past a headline, and so confident about it too. This will go into the history books about how silly the anti-AI sentiment was.
I will just restate this fact about reality: Dec 20 comes 11 days after Dec 9.
That is indeed a screenshot. The tweet was made on Dec 20 (just like I told you). A date that happened 11 days after Dec 9.
Yes, that’s him. But did you know that Dec 9 comes before Dec 20?
He’s stalking a bit, spamming a lot, he wants to correct every reply to the post for no reason because it’s not the same person of course (/s). This magical account that was created after the post is obviously fake and the same guy.
This idiot even created a fake account to reply to the comments.
It’s a mix of AI, the realization that some companies are leeches, and that the purpose of the GPL is to give freedom back to the users. It became important to me for some reason.
I switched from “I don’t care if you use it” to “I don’t care if you can’t use it due to the license, because you abused the system and I’m fed up now.”