This couldn’t be more wrong actually.
Xmpp is far from death. Just because many started to use matrix instead doesn’t mean it’s dead. Even though matrix is a Ressource and performance nightmare much more so than xmpp will ever be.
I’m an IT specialist and work in IT too. I also selfhosted a lot of stuff publicly.
XMPP is used by many companies like Facebook , Google, Nintendo, GitHub, zoom, WhatsApp, Apple etc.
Xmpp is a an official Standard.unlikr things like matrix.
And if you think that xmpp has battery issues.oeadays then that tells me you used any xmpp app like conversation/snikket etc. like many years ago.
My xmpp Apps use way less battery than any matrix app ever could.
XMPP is fast, reliable and just works. Matrix is a nightmare to selfhost, too.
IRC? Irc has no E2EE whatsoever. Therfore isn’t even comparable to xmpp with omemo or matrix.
Since when are politics supposed to be shoved down my throat at every corner and has to consume my entire (online) life?
No matter where I go, star trek thread, meme thread, entertainment thread etc. People are more concerned about this stuff than anything else. And TBH, I’m kinda tired of it too.
That’s exactly what happens nowadays on the internet. Radicals and extremists everywhere, who wants everybody canceled to no end just because XYZ.
So he has a valid point.