• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Instead of visiting the Mall of America and shopping at only what the mall will offer, using outdated infrastructure-- you can instead visit a variety of towns (“instances”) which each host their own cute boutiques (“communities”) specializing in a particular sort of item (whatever the topic of the community is). The instances can have their own rules that apply to its communities, but communities can also make their own rules, like a shop can. Skip the crowds and barely functional Supermall experience and find a better place to engage in discussion and get information.

  • My opinion is likely outdated. I was really excited for the stream deck, but it struggled to work properly when I received it. And there were often issues with the clock and wifi that made it nearly impossible to use. Throw in some issues with audio not playing over tv speakers…

    It ended up becoming an expensive paperweight over the last few months as it brought me memories of frustration and buyers regret rather than joy.

    I’m not trying to make anyone angry or anything. Many people here seem to love it, so maybe I should give it another go. I hope some updates have maybe increased its performance. Just wanted to share my honest experience…

  • How do I think this ends? I think it won’t matter to their bottom line. Although I am happy with the participation thusfar, Reddit benefits not only from the current use, but the redirection from every Google search toward Reddit. Unless moderators deleted the content before they leave (idk if even possible), the impact is but a blink in a profit report. And the CEO will use their stability as a personal reinforcement.

    That said, good riddance, I don’t want those willing to stay to be a part of communities I’m in anyway. So far the new life here on Lemmy seems to be very cooperative and positive-- I hope this is maintained.

  • The issue I have is that the app seems to forget where I was when I leave a thread and want to continue where I left off scrolling through community posts. So I have to scroll, scroll, scroll, to get back to where I was, tap a new thread, rinse and repeat. The scrolling itself seems limited to a relatively small number of threads added as it loads, but if the issue above was resolved, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed.

  • Yeah, I’m not going anywhere. I do like the smaller atmosphere in some ways because it’s less Social media heavy. I’m hoping all the recent chaos initiated by whacky rich CEOs signals the doom of the social media framework that has been predominant for the last ~10 yrs. I’m not saying Lemmy is hopeless. I wouldn’t have bothered to join. I think it’s really cool concept.

    I wasn’t a very active redditor, tbh. My account was fairly young. Most of my time was on r/leaves, r/cardistry, r/playingcards, r/wood, and probably a few I haven’t remembered. The dust just needs to settle so I can find the proper places here. So far, a lot of the crafting and hobby themed communities are based upon sharing completed works, where I find I’d much rather see content that is instructional, educational, or problem solving. But I think maybe I’m better served by instructables or something in that regard. Probably also YouTube, but I hate video media. 😵‍💫

    There’s maybe an interesting effect similar to domain name hoarding, so I’m going to watch and see how federated system handles important communities being made but not really invested in. I found a music community that was named well, but the only post was the sole moderator peddling their own album, which felt odd. I imagine a different community with the same name but on a different server instance might become more popular in that case and dwarf those. Natural selection of communities will be fun to observe.

  • Thank you for letting me know. 🙇 I felt a bit silly not being able to find it. Hopefully some form of implementation will be forthcoming. I think it would drive (hopefully meaningful) engagement. Everything is very nascent still, so I’m pretty patient. I actually don’t have much social media anymore, so reduced functionality right now just feels more minimalist.