Honestly based, EU should do the same
Honestly based, EU should do the same
And has bad memory, regreSSHion wasn’t even half a year ago
That is a very specific subset
You can try to write programs you think would be a challenge for you (but still doable at your skill level). Write some games, bots that solve simple games like Tic Tac Toe or mods for your favourite (moddable) games. If you own a Raspberry Pi you could play around with the DPIO. Your free time projects are usually nothing too exciting or world-changing and that’s perfectly fine, they don’t have to be; the worthwhile part about them will be the practice they’ll offer.
Alternatively, you could try reading some theory, learn different types of data structures, sorting algorithms or pathfinding algorithms and their respective strengths and weaknesses. Or go deeper and prepare for higher Edu in CS by looking into the maths fundamentals, learn some linear algebra, discrete math, analysis or basic graph theory, it will help you a lot.
Edit: graph theory, not knot theory
To 4) I might add that OP most likely needs xone to properly use an Xbox One controller (its necessary for wireless, I didn’t check wired)
deleted by creator
What the fuck is that title
Why does she look like something out of Mandela Catalogue?
Lemme try this
SC was and still is such an underrated controller, such a shame valve stopped production.
Every now and then you can get one as good as new for ~50€ on ebay.
Cold Turkey
Force yourself to use another editor like Zed, don’t use vim keybinds and get reintegrated into pleb life
Damn, imagine your last name is Coomer
The bread and butter for anyone wanting a TLDR:
The FDO team is right that Hyprland’s community reflects poorly on the Linux desktop community as a whole. Vaxry [the Hyprland Dev] has created a foothold for hate, transphobia, homophobia, bullying, and harassment in the Linux desktop community. We are right to take action to correct this problem.
no real-world use found for staying more than one version behind
The ssh vulnerability didn’t affect Debian because the packages were too many versions behind
Uhm actually you mean ligmaballsnux
Liebe Kathrin Schmid,
wenn dir Kinderwohl so sehr am Herzen liegt und Privatsphäre so sehr am Arsch vorbeigeht, dann geh bitte mit gutem Beispiel voran und installiere doch gerne Kameras und Mikrofone in jedem Raum deines Hauses oder deiner Wohnung und schicke das aufgenommene Material zur örtlichen Polizeibehörde zur Sichtung (selbstverständlich nur im Verdachtsfall *zwinker), schließlich wissen wir ja nicht, was hinter deiner verschlossenen Haustür passiert und mit wem du dich da worüber unterhältst. 🤨
Und falls es dir nicht klar ist: ein vollständiger Überwachungsstaat verhindert keinen Kindesmissbrauch, nicht einmal Straftaten im allgemeinen. Quelle: Verbrechensstatistiken der DDR
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, jemand dessen Namen dich einen Dreck zu interessieren hat.
Dabei weiß doch jeder, dass man erst mit Humorlosigkeit integriert ist
Menschliche Lebensgrundlage? Du meinst einen Arbeitsplatz mit Überstunden, ein Dieselauto und jeden Tag einen deftigen Fleischteller?
A redeemed one