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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I’ve said this before, but Factorio is genuinely the only thing that has made me lose track of time before. When I’m goofing off into the wee hours of the night, normally I have a vague sense of time passing. I won’t know what time it is, but I’ll know that it’s late and I should probably stop whatever it is I’m doing (and won’t). And then I’ll look at the clock and it’s 2am-- late, but not surprising.

    But then came Factorio. This was when I first started playing, around the time I just started making black science packs. I was refitting my bases to work with laser turrets, and making minor modifications here and there like upgrading from 2 saturated belts of iron to 4 and such. Nothing major. I’d just do these things, maybe an hour or two, and head to bed. So you can imagine my surprise when I look at the clock and it was 5:30 AM. I was baffled; I had no idea I’d spent that long modifying my base. Like 7 hours straight, no breaks. And then the exhaustion hit, and I saved and went immediately to bed.

    Cracktorio man, the addiction is real.

  • I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Water will reach its own level so to speak, if a developer releases a game that is far too much for a majority of gamers to run, those gamers won’t buy the game and it won’t sell. Obviously that also isn’t always necessarily true, but enough terribly optimized games have released recently to be met with 40% rating on Steam that I’d like to think this is the case. Are some developers going to do it anyway? Absolutely, but that’s true regardless. I think that no matter what, indie developers will always tend to keep their games lightweight either by principle or by design necessity, and bigger game studios would also sorta get the message and keep their games reasonable. With obvious exceptions… goddamn 400 GB games these days.

  • I have no idea why, but convention. And not a thing where nerds like me gather to dork out about something, but a scientific standard. Whenever I’m explaining something, and someone asks why it operates that way, I’m always like, “it’s that way by… uh… y’know, it’s always been that way.” No clue why I always blank on that word specifically.

  • Naive, perhaps, but if a company advertises a service, they better fucking deliver on that service. Sure, I wouldn’t store all of my important documents solely on a cloud service either, but let’s not victim blame the guy here who paid for a service and was not given that service. Google’s Enterprise plan promised unlimited data; whether that’s 10 GB or 200 TB, that’s not for us nor Google to judge. Unlimited means unlimited. And in an article linked in the OP, even customer service seemed to assure them that it was indeed unlimited, with no cap. And then pulled the rug.

    And on top of that, according to the article, Google emailed them saying their account would be in “read-only” mode, as in, they could download the files but not upload any. Which is fine enough-- until Google contacted them saying they were using too much space and their files would all be deleted. Space that, again, was originally unlimited.

    Judge the guy all you want, but don’t blame him. Fuck Google, full stop.