Excuse me? Mountain dew (any Energy Drink for that matter) tastes horrible.
Tea all the way!
Excuse me? Mountain dew (any Energy Drink for that matter) tastes horrible.
Tea all the way!
The EU has an area of 4.234.564km². Texas 695.621km².
So Texas is a mere 16,4% of the EU.
In what world is that “most of the EU”?
Definitely withings. I have had a steel HR for 2,5 years now and I still love it. You can buy any standard wristband that you like and the battery lasts a month. It’s also waterproof so no worries there. Plus I like the more traditional look, so it still looks good when wearing a bit more formal clothes.
Weil Haushalte nur einen sehr kleinen Bruchteil der Gesamtenergie verbrauchen. (Haushalte 27%, Industrie 44%, Handel etc. 26%, Verkehr 2%).
Außerdem hast du offensichtlich ein Eigenheim, wenn du ne PV Anlage auf dem Dach hast? “Nur” knapp 28% der Leute wohnen in einem Eigenheim. Alle anderen in Wohnungen. Da ist also auch nochmal deutlich weniger Dachfläche im Vergleich zur Bewohneranzahl verfügbar.
Ja PV ist im Vergleich zum Initialen Aufwand sehr sinnvolle. Braucht halt aber Fläche. Und die hast du in Städten nun Mal nicht. Dann lieber um die Städte zusätzlich noch Windkraftanlagen, die auch im Winter vernünftig Strom produzieren können.
Nur dass die Meldungen halt gar nicht erst verfolgt werden. In Berlin zumindest.
Und wenn man sich die rechte der Frauen in diesen 8 Jahren anguckt, sieht man ja, wie we kg Schäden die angerichtet haben, ne?
Deshalb gibt es schließlich auch unterschiedliche Motorradführerschein Klassen
In dem Fall könnte diese Person wahrscheinlich trotzdem wählen, dann müsste aber im System nachgeschaut werden, welche Wahlunterlagen fälschlicherweise weggeschickt wurden (die haben alle jeweils ne eigene Kennnummer) und genau diese Nummer wäre dann als gesperrt im Briefwahllokal vermerkt. Beim auszählen würde dann genau dieser falsche Brief rausgefischt werden und als ungültig erklärt werden.
I do. But I still live in the south, and my work is outside the city, to the north west of it, to be exact.
The average is 40 minutes commute time (for my city). So I’m already quite a bit off.
And yes, of course, if I lived in the south east of the city it would take me 1,5 hours at least by public transport. 40-60 minutes by car on average. But I wouldn’t move there, as that is too far off.
But most of these other possible places would mean, that I would most probably also always have to drive through the city center or take a big detour outside of it. Both possibilities aren’t actually preferable. So again I wouldn’t live there and at the same time work at the same company.
I just need to look at one of my brothers. Lives relatively close to the center but still a bit south of it. Could take 2 subways in 30 minutes (including walking) but still decides to take the car most days where he has to drive through heavy traffic, that takes him at least the same amount of time.
So no, a lot of people aren’t that sensible. They just do what they are used to and often enough even vehemently go against even the possibility of changing that with weird as excuses (smells terrible weird people, always packed, always delayed etc.) Which for most times of day and most routes just isn’t true.
Just take a look at the available cars nowadays. You can barely even buy a smal car, as those aren’t even produced in such a variety anymore. Because 1. People keep buying the big SUVs, and 2. Manufacturers can make way more money with those than with small cars.
Hell, in Germany they are actively debating making parking spots bigger, because the cars keep getting bigger (btw look at carsized they have a great visualization for this), instead of simply reglementaing how big cars can get, before they are either forbidden or so heavily taxed that it’s just not worth to buy something large.
“after everyone grabs a piece”. I’m sorry what size are your pizzas that multiple people share a pizza, and take that long to eat it, that you need to keep it warm in between?
I usually have a whole pizza for myself. Just like my friends. So everyone just has their box and usually eats out of it (depending on the setting, we might put it on plates).
Um hier Mal ne andere Sicht auf die Dinge zu zeigen:
Ich bin gerade auf dem Heimweg, von 2,5 Wochen Fahrradtour in den Niederlanden. Weißt du, was ich hier nicht gesehen habe? Fahrrad rot Fahrer. Und weißt du, woran das liegt? Dass in den meisten Städten das Fahrrad dem Auto bevorzugt wird. Du hast meistens auf Räder abgestimmte Ampelschaltungen (teilweise alle 4 Richtungen gleichzeitig und selbst das funktioniert problemlos), die Direktverbindungen von Punkt zu Punkt sind meist nur für Radfahrer zugängig, Autos müssen Umwege fahren. Und siehe da, mit vernünftiger Infrastruktur halten sich ein Großteil der Leute auch an die Regeln. Weil das brechen der Regeln fast keinen Vorteil bringt.
But that mostly just means that you have terrible public transport where you live. Not that it’s inherintely bad.
If I would take a car to work, it would take me at least (!) 50 minutes (depending on traffic, usually longer). With public transport plus bike I’m at 65 minutes. So just a bit longer, but delays are pretty uncommon (maybe 3 minutes every now and then). Plus I can relax, read or watch a show. And it’s incredibly cheap thanks to the Deutschlandticket (49€, but 14€ of that is payed by my employer). Only for fuel (not counting insurance, tax, repairs etc.) It would cost me at least 180€.
So yeah just this tiny delay is okay in my opinion, considering what I’m saving (money, environment, worries about a car…)
And I never said, it’s the ultimate solution. I’m just saying especially those huge as cars are a fucking monstrosity more or less. Because easily 95% of users don’t even need such a huge vehicle. They just want it. And don’t give a fuck what that entails for the environment and for other people. (especially looking at pedestrian and bike safety).
More people should just really consider if the car they chose is really what they NEED and if every trip they are taking with it is truly necessary.
Did I talk specifically about your situation? No. But sadly enough I know a few people, that actually do exactl those kinds of trips.
And I have no idea where you live, but in most European cities (!) There’s a supermarket at most 1km away. Usually closer.
The closest one to me is 300m. Work is 32 km though. But you know what? I don’t own a car. Because there’s public transport.
And I live in a city with pretty great public transport. And yet people with way way shorter commuting distances still tend to have fucking big SUVs and drive everywhere. Those are the people I mean.
If you don’t even fit in that category, why do you even feel the need to actively defend yourself? That doesn’t even make any sense?
Ich habe nochmal geschaut und inzwischen macht echt jedes Bürgeramt seine eigene Sache. Manche akzeptieren nur EC und in Ausnahmefällen bar (ging Ne ganze Zeit lang nicht), andere sogar “schon” Visa und Google pay etc.
Ich hatte aber Mal vor einer Weile einen Termin wo ich wirklich ausschließlich mit EC Karte zahlen konnte.
Naja, aber wenn man halt keine EC Karte hat ist das halt trotzdem scheiße. Hilft einem ja nicht weiter, dass man es vorher schon weiß.
Who says you have to live like people sub Saharan Africa?
Just rake a look at how much of the pollution in America comes from the richest 10%. Same thing in Germany. Those people need to seriously cut down. And everyone else needs to reconsider if the 300m trip to the supermarket is really necessary to go by car. Or if it’s really necessary to have a fucking 3ton monstrosity of a car. Or if a small car like a fiat 500 isn’t actually enough.
Zumindest laut Website geht bei den Berliner Bürgerämtern ausschließlich EC Karte. Nicht bar, nicht Visa. Nur EC. Seitdem ich mir noch Visa debit have, war ich aber nicht mehr da. Demnächst muss ich wieder, da könnte ich Auskunft geben.
OK so the majority of people has to cut back on so much, especially a safe environment to get places, just so a few people with a car fetish can keep buying bigger and bigger cars. Got it.
I mean it depends on where you live. But sports clubs are easy enough to find if you just search for your sport and area.
Same I would guess with other hobbies.
Fitness groups no idea to be honest.
Volunteering: there are usually quite a few forums and such discussing volunteering opportunities. In my country the biggest ones are the volunteer fire department, volunteer first aid (red cross, Johanniter, ASB, Malteser, etc.), technical relief (THW), and different organisations regarding the homeless and poor (biggest ones probably are the Bahnhofsmission and Tafeln) - this is all Germany specific but I’m sure there are somewhat similar things in other countries, too. For smaller things the are often even websites from the local government where you can search for volunteering opportunities interesting you, by topic.
That’s what we call them in German. Milchzähne. I’m guessing because they develop while you’re still drinking your mother’s milk?