Who the hell writes stuff like this in asm, honestly? Hasn’t C been around since like the 70s
Who the hell writes stuff like this in asm, honestly? Hasn’t C been around since like the 70s
oh yeah, I’m sure that’ll work 👍
about as effective as a mystical incantation
and even then, Android is mostly open source.
I’ve personally updated the kernel to my Amazon Fire tablet (and believe me, the 3.18 branch doesn’t contain as many security backports as they’d have you believe)
it’s like listening to a little yappy dog that thinks he’s got all the power in the world
There’s always mega.io
it should be safe so long as you don’t share it with everyone. There’s a daily download quota of like 4 or 5 gigs
you could also just use Google drive
same here… I deleted mine the day before the blackout and it’s still gone
wow, kinda makes me glad I deleted mine the day before all this started 😳
I’ve suspected this for years… it’s part of why I went over to imgur. The bots aren’t as good at processing images, or at least they weren’t back then. Reddit is probably the worst of the bunch, just because of all the exposure and openness.
Hell there are entire subreddits devoted to training gpt bots, where they just game out theoretical directions the conversations can take with each other.
your post inspired me to go looking, so I browsed around 50 pages worth of mags and am now subbed to about 82
nothing I read about this group on Wikipedia points to terrorism, it repeatedly says they advocate nonviolence
I guess these days though it’s become some kind of magic password to get whatever the hell you want