bubbalu [they/them]

  • 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2020


  • The form of your opinion makes sense, but your delivery was brusque, immature and alienating. Propaganda is a skill, and I hope you can learn some good lessons from here. In general, you are going to seem nuts rigidly and dogmatically relitigating historical events. It’s better to deflect around these sort of questions and talk concretely about contextually relevant issues.

    If you lead off the bat with the most extreme and least relevant example, you will probably foreclose the opportunity to build the prior beliefs necessary to support this less relevant position.

  • I think the callous language used to describe people’s wishes here is incorrect and gross, but I don’t wholly disagree. It doesn’t seem contradictory to envision restorative justice for anti-social violence and repression of our class enemies by any means necessary. What else can class struggle entail? Mao reminds us “revolution is not a dinner party. It is a violent process by which one class overthrows another.” Violence is not to be treated lightly.

    What to do with severely mentally ill but structurely-powerless reactionaries is a difficult edge case. I think relatively humane life imprisonment is the best option.