Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

  • 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • birdcat@lemmy.mltoCommunism@lemmygrad.mlPractical Marxism?
    3 months ago

    i tried reading das kapital multiple times, 1 book by lenin 1 time and always failed in under 10 pages. has this happened to you too? if yes, try stalin! (not claiming he was the best or smartest theorist or whatever, and i dont claim to understand “communist science”, but this dude knew how to summarize and explain complicated shit)

  • but even 14 years seems long for a pharase that is said and written millions of times per day. and if those crackers can make billions of guesses per second how can they not guess both variants within minutes?

    related question. how to make a good password bettter? adding a few extra special symbols like “µ£₹” or one long word like “freshwatercrocodiletesticles”?

  • ah crazy, i made it work with Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS!

    For some reason i had to unplug the PC before restarting. Then it got found as UEFI and could boot.

    The full installation on the USB was a bit dirty, as i put the Live Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine and installed it from there. So i typed the full disk encryption and login passwords in Windows … but I wont be too paranoid about that one now 😅