You understood me, the extinct part is growing
You understood me, the extinct part is growing
Animals are fucked! We decimated 75% of wildlife in 50 years, and it is still growing
Here a comedian was fired (he had a radio chronicle) just because he compared Benyamin to “a kind of nazi, but without foreskin”…
you might add to your list : choose a bank and insurance company that use your money for ecological/local/social projects
they forgot to add deathsand chronic illness from air pollution caused by cars, not only nasty particles from gas combustion but brakes and tires dust, aggravated with weight
Just make it yourself, 1g of salt in 100 mL of lukewarm water
Unfortunately open sourcing is not an option without certification, cause vehucles will not be allowed to go on roads.
At least here in europe
they are very useful outside : pollinate, chasing bugs, cleaning corpses
A company in my city created an EV conversion kit for any cars years ago. As they could not get certification for all models, they made a partnership with the constructor and managed to have certification for only 1 model (Renault Master, a utility truck) and now the company is controlled by Renault (the constructor).
They indeed killed the competition…
Ah bon parce que les prix des autres carburants sont abordables sur autoroute?
C’est un sujet facile au moment du retour de vacances, merci le joournalisme de qualité
jokes aside it could have been the plan : leave some land and let ukraine extend logistic line.
Napoleon did burn Moscow before the catastrophic Winter retreat, Hitler almost went to Moscow during Barbarossa, at the end Russia survived
Aaah then it is not a retreat it is just an excuse to fire people and whine about regulations
As an european I’m baffled with your numbers. You pay monthly what I pay yearly in electricity, and your gas bill seems insane too
Obama brought hope, he brought hum… hate ?
Pour ceux comme moi qui ne connaissaient pas ce bonhomme :
Qui est Paul Watson ?
Citoyen canadien âgé de 73 ans, Paul Watson est un militant écologiste de longue date qui a fait de la protection de la baleine et plus généralement des animaux marins exposés au risque de la prédation industrielle humaine sont cheval de bataille. Garde-côte dans sa jeunesse, cet adepte fervent du véganisme et de l’antispécisme s’engage au début des années 1970 au sein de la future ONG Greenpeace dont il fait partie des tout premiers militants. Il en est exclu en 1977, en rupture avec la philosophie non-violente de cette dernière.
La même année, il fonde la Sea Shepherd Conservation Society pour laisser libre-cours à ses méthodes de confrontation directe avec les navires chasseurs de baleines qui va dessiner son identité controversée d’ « éco-pirate ». Paul Watson est notamment la bête noire du Japon, dernier pays avec l’Islande et la Norvège à pratiquer la chasse au cétacé géant. Composée d’une flotte d’une dizaine de bateaux, Sea Shepherd traque les baleiniers nippons jusqu’en Antarctique, sans craindre d’aller au corps-à-corps, voire à l’éperonnage pour entraver leurs activité.
Indeed, plus there is no opposition - at all : here, even ecologists are complaining about some solar panel fields projects because companies want to build it in national parks.
Without oil China is trying to ensure energy independence, they go full nuclear too, they want to build 6-10 reactors per year
Check on youtube there is probably a video on how to open and do it your laptop model
I feel like this is the same for any animal species. Does someone has a map of world’s land use for human activities ?
maybe this one ?
La France lance la consultation sur comment s’adapter à +4°C…