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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • Morrowind is a basically the thesis of Things Fall Apart in video game form, with a good deal of Dune. It’s an examination of colonialism. Every detail of that game is dripping with politics. The Dunmer are racist and engage in horrific chattel slavery - but does that mean it is right for the Empire to colonize them and take their resources? There’s substantial evidence that your character is a spook sent to “fulfill” an indigenous prophecy to tighten the Empire’s control - is that morally right?

    There’s also a hermaphrodite male presenting god who has had hundreds of children with something quite close to the Devil.

  • The case was about the slander and libel, and inciting harassment. People were calling the families and telling them that were going to piss on their graves, dig up the bodies, etc. Alex Jones basically called the dad of one of the victims retarded on air.

    Alex Jones featured several guests who were involved in actively harassing the family, eg Wolfgang Howiztzer.

    Beyond that, he could have tried to use a first amendment defense, if he had complied with discovery. He lost the case on default, because he was withholding information and not complying with discovery. There were many, many issues where InfoWars representatives were not providing the information that they were legally required to provide. They were given many, many opportunities to correct this, and refused to do so.

  • We have ample evidence of the sexual abuse of enslaved women - you can see that in the skin color of most black folks who live in the US.

    We know they raped their male slaves too, but it doesn’t produce physical evidence. But a lot of the obsession with the size of black men’s penises starts in the mid 1800s.

    The Delectable Negro is a fascinating read about disturbingly erotic cannibalism of enslaved folks. They ate Nat Turner after they put his rebellion down, and the descriptions are just weird.

  • Charity can serve as a means of control. This is way Republicans advocate against social services.

    The government cannot mandate that you attend church to receive EBT. A church can require you attend a service to feed you.

    I’ve heard from friends in Utah, for example, that access to many social services is through the church. Friend was trying to rescue a girl from FLDS - pretty much all job training/housing required she play along with mainstream Mormonism.

    Orgs like the Salvation Army are known to require trans people to detransition to recieve services as well.

    Another benefit is the rent seeking - Goodwill is a good example. You can still turn a profit with the right combination of PR, and tying access to services based on things that’ll make you profit (Goodwill “provides employment” for disabled people - they are legally allowed to pay them far below minimum wage.)

    It’s the two pillars of the contemporary Right - control and grifting.

  • Plastic recycling is a farce to make it appear as a “personal responsibility” issue.

    Notice also how the labeling for plastics uses a sign that looks remarkably similar to a recycling logo - whether that specific type of plastic is actually recyclable or not.

    It is all a public relation campaign, because fundamentally plastic is unsustainable and harmful. Governments have collectively shat the bed by placing the burden of dealing with plastic on the consumer. (This is very similar to the “carbon footprint” idea - which was a creation of the oil industry.)

    I toured the place where my city collects its plastic recycling - the director in charge was very open about the fact that most of it isn’t used and can’t really be used anyway.

  • Yeah - the condition I have is ARFID. I do see a therapist, but they can’t really “cure” texture aversion. I’ve found adaptations that fit my lifestyle.

    I just wanted to share because there are a lot of stigmas around disordered eating - there’s an assumption that “picky” eating is a lack of willpower or a character flaw. Food is such a basic need that our brains can be very strongly wired in incorrect ways.

  • I got the manager certification a long time ago, and it oddly made it worse. Weird things like being convinced that my refrigerator isn’t consistently keeping temperature or that the plastic in the packaging has holes in it. Texture sets me off and there’s a lot of variation I’m sensitive to.

    I can’t get a family sized bag of chips or cereal for example, because I can only eat them the same day I opened the package. I know that there is nothing wrong with them, but the thought of a stale one upsets me. I love apples, but rarely eat them because I don’t want to risk a mushy one. I know a mushy apple or stale chips aren’t “contaminated” but they feel intensely like they are.

  • It’s frustrating as an adult with ARFID/eating disorders. I can’t bring myself to eat leftovers because I worry that they are contaminated. I’ve thrown away so much food because I won’t reuse a pasta sauce jar if it has been opened.

    A lot of the common “easy” meals are things that I absolutely will not eat - spaghetti, canned veggies, ground beef. Sometimes I struggle with eating ramen. It’s fucking embarrassing but I literally cannot help it. I will gag and puke if my brain decides I can’t eat something.