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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Schrödinger was scared of his own results, that’s what his cat is for. Not to show some profound effect about wave function collapse, but to show how the wave function must collapse (despite his calculations showing otherwise) because if the wave function doesn’t collapse, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead, which is preposterous.

    However, we now know quantum entanglement to be a real thing; so, as bizzare as it sounds, the cat is both alive and dead, always. The number of timelines containing an alive cat diminish over time until eventually, dead cat is the only possible outcome. This is strong evidence for a multiverse existence. When you open the box you simply discover which universe you’re in.

  • I think a better analogy would be that someone wrote an article about how cigarettes cause cancer but a random commentator complains that they don’t talk about radon.

    Does radon cause lung cancer? Yes. Is that what the article is talking about? No.

    Was I being an inflammatory asshole in my first comment? Yeah, sorry. I’m argumentative today. I try to not be but sometimes I can’t help it; I’m working on it though.

  • This article is specifically talking about how Republicans went from Regan -> Trump and you’re over here going WhAT abOuT tHE dEMoCrAtS?

    Besides, the interview specifically talks about how Regan buttfucked the left at the end of the cold war and that they had nothing to offer the public in return, and how they utterly failed to provide a meaningful alternative.

    Neolibs are scum, but that’s not the point of this article.

    Dems started trying to compromise with Republicans on fiscal policy which drove republicans further right to differentiate.

    “Waaaaaaaa the evil democrats forced us to be Nazis with their wicked compromise ideology! Don’t you see this is all their fault!”

  • Yeah I was surprised they were so cheap. That’s not $2 each, that’s $2 total lol. They were like 1.25 each or something. I’ve played TW2 and 3 and I really liked both of them, but I’ve heard TW1 feels really dated at this point; though really I’m just playing it to round out the series.

    Not patient gaming related but I have started GoT. Its amazingly well optimized on my Steam Deck. I’m kind of blown away on how well it runs, though I’ve only been playing for two hours. Sometimes the game can fall apart at the end optimization wise, like Baldurs Gate 3.

    For a long time I only played World of Warcraft, (I’m clean now) so I don’t have a lot of experience with Sony. I think the last Sony games I played were the OG COD:MW2 and some of the first Ratchet and Clank games, but I’ve seen they get a lot of hate. Why is that? I did play the 2018 God of War last year and its one of my favorites.

  • There’s some hyperbole in these threads for sure, but not a lot. The president can’t handwave away the bill of rights, because nothing in the constitution gives them that power.

    However, the president does have the authority as commander in chief of authorizing lethal force against individuals. If Biden authorized Seal Team 6 to execute Trump, that is in fact an official act that he has the authority to perform. Sure maybe it is technically not legal, but that doesn’t matter since the president has complete immunity from criminal law. The house could still draft articles of impeachment but the senate would be unable to remove the president because the president is immune to criminal proceedings.

    And if Trump wants to create an organization to round up and execute all the gays (and the Jews, of course), he has the power to do that; and with today’s ruling, he will never face consequences for doing so.

    Irreparable damage has been done to American democracy today.