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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • This is the key problem that seems to be getting buried everywhere

    The big challenge has been that humanitarian convoys have stopped carrying the aid from the pier’s storage area further into Gaza, to get it into civilian hands, because they have come under attack.

    If we’re not worrying about the cost of the pier, which I don’t think the Left is at all, then it’s really not about the storms and the maintenance that’s needed to keep it operational.

    The problem is Isreal is still functionally blocking the aid from reaching the people.

    So why spend so many resources on this pier and put your people at risk, when distribution of the delivered aid is blockaded the same as the land aid.

  • The SEC won’t get additional funding, so they’ll necessarily have to let all but the highest priority cases go because they don’t have enough resources to take everything to court.

    This is exactly what the Republicans want. It’s exactly what they did to IRS. Create more work for them and starve them at the same time, so that their corporate puppetmasters can get away with whatever they want, and the few times they do get taken to court, they can throw their big team of lawyers at it, drag it out, and make it not worth pursuing.

    This is by design. This is their goal. And I’m certain that SCOTUS colluded with the lower courts to deliver this case to them with a bow tie.

  • Sony has a terrible history with making their devices portable to other platforms.

    VR was well established by the time they joined the party, especially by the time v2 came along. It was a decision to ignore integrating with PC protocols when designing their hardware and drivers.

    Sadly, very predictable for Sony. They would rather have poorer sales than to open their devices to be used outside of their platform, and vice versa.

    Nothing has stopped them from making their controllers compatible with PC besides refusal to pay a licensing fee to Microsoft, which must be trivial compared to the increased sales of their standard controllers. Hell, I bought a couple Xbox controllers just I could avoid fucking with 3rd party dual shock drivers every fucking time I tried using them on PC. And I much prefer the Playstation controllers.

  • Yeah. That’s their intent. But they really don’t know for sure that their stunt won’t have some completely unexpected effect. Some slow reaction with that specific kind of stone that only matters if the powder gets deep into some cracks for 200 years or whatever. Or attracts stone eating bacteria of some sort.

    The point is that they dont know what they dont know. Every time they pull one of these stunts, they are introducing the risk of irrevocable damage to historically significant objects that should be left to future generations.

    Stop fucking around with human history. Stone Henge is a world wonder.