Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • Hanlon’s Razor and all that, but I just assume that’s to drive up interaction in the post.

    Rant/ramble ahead, you can skip:

    By misspelling something, or just doing/saying something that common sense should say is wrong (“life hack, I just discovered this thing that literally every 5 year old already knows about”) you will draw out all the people who are genuinely trying to help, people who just can’t help themselves but smugly correct someone, people who THINK they know the right way but aren’t sure, people who claim to have never seen the right way before, and all the bitch fights such comments produce.

    The increased interactions make the post do better in algorithms, which means it goes out to more and more people, who continue the cycle.

    My wife watches short form endless scrolling videos despite knowing how bad those are for your mental health, and some of the people she stops to watch are CONSTANTLY pulling the “common sense says otherwise” one. Like my dude you did NOT just figure out in your 20s that you can wait for the shower to warm up before you get in. Literal toddlers know better. It’s such a simple thing, I genuinely do not believe anyone in their 20s just gets in the shower while the water is still cold because they never figured out they can wait for the warm water. But hoooo boy did their video take off and have millions of views, and thousands of comments about how wild that is.

  • There’s an insane amount of overlap of “those degenerate druggies deserve to rot in prison for life” and “weed should never have been illegal and we should legalize it” around where I live.

    In fact, the thing that brought it to my attention in the first place was a family friend and I talking about people we knew in highschool, and he mentioned how one guy got arrested for having “half a dozen” (sidenote: I feel saying half a dozen is trying to make “six” sound more impressive) pot plants and obviously was a “major dealer”, and how he never would have guessed how evil some people are from how they were in highschool.

    I asked him what ELSE he had to get 10 YEARS and of course the answer wasalong the lines of “no, that was it but what more do you need? Obviously a messed up guy”

    And would you like to know why I called him a hypocritical piece of shit and decided to find someone else to talk to?

    He pulls out a thc vape several times while we’re talking. You can’t mistake that smell for anything else.

    I guess what makes men TRULY evil is whether mild thing they’re doing is currently illegal or not. When it’s legalized? Smoking is totally fine. When it’s illegal? Smoking is bad and you are evil for even considering it. Know your place, Peasant.

    At least that’s the vibe I got from that guy.