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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGot Played
    13 days ago

    When you mature as a human being, whatever age that may be, you develop kindness through a willingness to understand and empathize with perspectives that conflict with your own. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to accept it for yourself. For many people, clothing is not simply a means of pragmatic function. It’s also a source of self-expression, joy, and beauty. Now for me, $600 for a pair of sneakers is exorbitant and ridiculous no matter who designed it. But it’s not a product for me. And if someone with the means feels great buying and wearing them, I don’t see the harm. I don’t usually pay more than I have to for footwear, but I would pay a premium for certain kitchen tools I use all the time if I like the design, enjoy looking at it, and feel good using it. What I do sympathize with and would like to see reduced in harm is the consumerist culture that pressures people with less means into feeling like they have to have such things for fulfillment.

  • I mean there you go, Toyota’s are appliances. They have to look bland because their style has to remain inoffensive after decades on the road.

    That being said, I’m impressed with how much style they’ve managed to put on the new Prius while still aiming for long-term fleet vehicle role. I also like what they’re trying to do with the BZ4 styling wise, even if it’s a compromised first gen product.

    There’s also always the Supra and LC500 :3

  • If they set a 10 year goal it may take 20 years to hit 80% of goals, if they set a 20 year goal it’ll take 40 years to hit 50%, if they set a 50 year goal…

    Nobody thinks this is a realistic goal, but the target gives a concrete number to set a mandate on which actually pragmatic policies, funding projects, and incentives can hang their hat on to keep the ball rolling.

    With big infrastructure developments, nobody wants to buy into realistic goals, it’s too costly, and there’s never enough political will. You set overly ambitious goals so you can get people to buy in and then the project is too big to fail, so you end up paying what it actually costs, and you try to mitigate waste, unanticipated problems, corruption, and poor management along the way.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFast casual
    7 months ago

    I would too. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure most places that check even half those boxes still fail in the market. You often have to drag consumers kicking and screaming towards something more equitable and less exploitative, even when they’re the ones being exploited.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlCommunist Filth/Capitalist Filth
    8 months ago

    Because they are reacting to living under the oppressive structures of late capitalism. Having been raised in a capitalist world, they naturally overemphasize economic systems and their alternatives and make assumptions about government.

    So when they communism theyusually mean communism + some equitable government or just they mean socialist democracy.

    Funnily enough, you live pretty well in China these days if you’re a good little capitalist.

  • Soleos@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlImpossible
    8 months ago

    Yeah well there’s cooking as in purely functional preparation of nutrients, and then there’s cooking as in a process of caring for others by creating a worthwhile experience of food that is needed, engaging, and delicious. The downside is this experience usually has a time limit dependent on time and others’ availability (eating hot food together). It’s sad for such effort to go to waste. The alternative extreme to this kind of nurturing is abandoning the idea that family time over meals is worthwhile and just shitting out nutrient bricks so the children don’t starve. I don’t think anyone really wins in the long run with that.

  • “It’'s about a way of thinking that’s pervasive in society. Evidence and logic be damned, my feelings trump all of that.”

    Yes and we have entire academic fields full of research, evidence, and argument about the sticky reality of how different belief systems, social identities, and cultural heritage interact both constructively and destructively. For example, how colonialism typically plays out cultural genocide in the name oclf “civilizing” the native population. Modern western positivist ontology and epistemology (which is where most atheists sit) is also laden with these socially constructed features and does not exist in some privileged position outside of them. The problem that people are pointing out, is exactly the smug superior attitude of some atheists, which reveals their lack of awareness about their own position and the risks and limitations thereof. I say this as someone deeply embedded in STEM and evidence-based practice.

    The expert consensus of every human-related field from medicine to philosophy to engineering/design to sociology to neuroscience and on and on is that, like it or not, feelings fucking matter.