Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 12 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • The patent is a lot less interesting than it sounds initially.

    It instantly made me think of the original Borderlands and how my friends and I would try to see how long we could “bounce” on each others heads, because if you jump on top of another character, you’ll just keep “bouncing” off of their head.

    It’s tricky to keep landing on them, even if they’re not moving!

    I kind of figured they meant that something dumb like that could be turned into an actual mini-game within a game, allowing you keep score.

    No, the patent is way fucking dumber, sounds like more stupid AI bullshit, and basically focused on dumb streamer shit.

  • how Sony and Arrowhead kinda shot themselves in the foot with account linking.

    The graph from the article literally proves the opposite.

    Account linking happened May 6th. It is on the graph as point “A.”

    There is a small increase in the decline of the player count, but you had already lost almost 200,000 players since the last peak on April 1st!

    So between April 1st and May 6th the game went from around 370,000 players to around 170,000 players, and the current player count literally can’t drop the same level because that would be less than zero.

    So, the bigger drop came way before account linking, friend. The game was already dying, and the account linking just firmly put it out of its misery.

  • You know, you bring up a really good point, honestly.

    My friend had a similar complaint about Baldurs Gate III.

    “Why so much body horror and gore? When I was growing up and playing DnD, we were never exploring that kind of stuff. DnD can be so much more than just body horror and gore.” Not verbatim, but you get the idea.

    As much as I love BG3, I don’t actually disagree with his sentiment at all.

    There should be an opportunity for people to play similar style of games that aren’t so gory or depressing or both. Not every stealth game needs to be cyberpunk and depressing.

  • Exactly, the moment to replace him was from the get-go. Now we’re logistically in too deep without splitting the entire party and essentially just handing the win to Trump. (Thanks so much DNC, it’s totally clear you know better than the voters in your own party. /s)

    I blame ineffectual Democrats who are more concerned with their power inside their own party for the rise of fascism as much as the fascists themselves, because their fucking buffoonery and chicanery literally enable the fascist Republican crime spree.

    I mean fuck, look how long they carted out Dianne Feinstein pretending she was still a functional human being instead of just running anyone the fuck else.

  • System Shock 2 is begging for a remake with actually functioning netcode for multiplayer way more than the original.

    Bioshock would eventually iterate on this, but the RPG systems of System Shock 2 are so, so deep, and I always appreciated that you could still get attacked by enemies while trying to hack machines. It made doing things like hacking feel very dangerous. Bioshock literally pauses time for you it’s so weak by comparison.